I'm really into chasing tale.
Thanks, but no thanks, I'm good. All the friends I already have seem to leave a lot of empty beer cans around my room, smoke all my pot, and make a general mess of the place. So much so, I've had to flee my homeland, and start couchsurfing elsewhere to avoid the mess.
I think clearchannel rocks. I can't imagine life without corporate radio provided to dull the already dim and maleable masses of adolescence.
Fuck TV. Fuck Radio, and fuck the Internet. I'm tired of virtual life. I'm going for a swim.
Don Quixote de la Mancha, and the big trilogy by Debernieres, starting with the war for don emmanuel's netherparts. Anything by Steinbeck. Huck finn, hemingway, ancient greek mythology, specifically where it relates to the myth of rugged individualism and the fatal heroic flaw. Picaresque more than bildungsroman, not that anybody knows what the fuck I am talking about.