Battlestar Wiki is a free online encyclopedia and episode guide covering the Science Fiction series, the original Battlestar Galactica , Galactica 1980 , and the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series presently airing.
The Battlestar Wiki is aimed to cover everything related to the Battlestar Galactica series. From Apollo to Tom Zarek , to Aerelon to Virgon , and also from frak to Zak , the Wiki covers and continues to expand coverage on all things Battlestar.
As for what we're doing on MySpace: we're looking to connect with fans of all the series, whether you like them all or simply one.
Also, you are more than welcome to leave your thoughts on the Wiki through here, and we'll update people through here as well (in addition to our awesome blog ).
Additionally, you are even invited to participate in a friendly, online message board provided by Frak Media! called the Battlestar Forum .