DAVID FUCK'N CORLEW! profile picture


I miss my baby

About Me

Hi my name is David and or DC I live in Muskegon and its BIG FUN.....not, but I make do with what I got I like to hang out w/ my Beautiful Fiancee Ashley dawn & friends & party as much as possible (gotta make fun memories).I'm In the U.S Navy, im gonna be an Air Plane Machanic (GET PAID!!) and travel the world on a air craft carrier . I dont have time for all this drama... I just like to Have a good time ...Im easy goin and I pretty much get along with every1 but cross me or my friends and I'll be the first one to bust ur head open...I can't go ne where without some1 saying hey its DAVID FUCK'N CORLEW lol but its cool Im always up to meeting new people ...i hate fake people and im prolly one of the realest 1's you'll ever meet but other then that theres not much more need be said ne thing else u can just ask and i'll be happy to tell ya whats goin on...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Everything Your Friends Need To Know About You!!!
Name: David Corlew
Nickname(s): DC
Birthday: 9/11/87
Birthplace: the mux
Current Location: right now muskegon..soon 2 B florida
Height: 6'0
Hair Color: redish brown
Eye Color: blue
Race, Heritage: Im American
In A Relationship: a wonderful 1
Piercings: not yet
Tattoos: none yet
Scars: lots
About You Friends
Guys or Girls: both
Best Friend(s): Loc,Eddie,B,Butch,Chris,Ty,David S., Coty,Kyle,Big Chris, D-jack,Matt,Sean,JR,Bg,Eric, Ashley Dawn, Sami ,Julie My sister Dana...iIthink I got em all
Newest: D-jack
Funniest: All
Weirdest: David S.
Craziest: Eddie
Girliest: B
Dullest: Not my friends
Loudest: Butch
Closest: Were Family
Relationship Information
In One: a perfect 1
Have A Crush: nope
Been In Love: now! & like never b4
Want To Get Married: some day
Dream Wedding: I dont have a clue
Want To Have Kids: Yea
How Many Kids: 2 boys and a girl
Best First Date Location: I make ne where good
Best First Kiss Location: I make ne where good i just told ya that ....duh
Do You...?
Take Showers Daily: yea
Want To Go To College: I go to college in the navy
Believe In Yourself: 100%
Get Motion Sickness: not that I kno of
Think You're Attractive: Maybe a little
Think You're A Health Freak: did u say double cheeseburger or ?????
Get Along With Your Parents: my mamma
In The Past Month Have You...?
Gone To The Mall: yea
Eaten An Entire Box Of Oreos: oreo's dont come in boxes
Eaten Sushi: nvr
Been On Stage: naw
Made Homemade Cookies: nope
Gone Skinny Dipping: its cold out
Dyed Your Hair: nvr
Stolen Anything: nothin major
Been Thrashed Or Completely Drunk: .......lmfao
Been Called A Tease: no
Got Beaten Up: nvr
Dumped: yea
Been In The Hospital (For Yourself): yea
A Little More Personal
Your Weakness: show no weakness
Your Fears: Fear itself
Dream Job: porn star duh...aint it every guys dream job?
Goal You'd Like To Achieve: Get Rich
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: What the hell happened last night..lol... What time is it? I wonder what ashley is making all them wierd noises for
How'd You Like To Die: Having fun
Where'd You Like To Attend College: lol air craft carrier
Contry You Want To Visit: all of em
Number Of CD's You Own: no clue
Number Of Things You Regret In Your Past: not shit
Number Of People You Trust With Your Life: my brothers
Actor: adam sandler
Movie: idk I like alot of em
Music Genre: rap,country,rock, pretty much ne thing
Band: rascall flatts
Shoes: J's
Place: any place warm and fun
Season: summer
Holiday: thx giving.....c'mon Ima fat kid
Color(s): black and blue
Number(s): 7
Animal: I dont like animals
M You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests

Basketball, football,Dirtbikes/Quads, ect....

..Me & My baby..

I'd like to meet:

Ashley dawn Akers


Way to Many to name so Ill Just give ya a Range I like Every1 From The GAME to Lil Wayne -2- Johnny Cash -2- Nirvanna


ScarFace.....lol Basically Ne thing ...comedy, action, horror ...and the notebook lol


I dont watch to much Tv ne More but I like Rob and Big, Fresh Price of Belair, The wire and so on .....


Ski Mask Way, To Kill a Mocking bird, and the Odyssey


Fuck a hero I do shit for my Damn self