About Me
-i love my other half.
-i love my doggy precious. oh yes she is.
-i shop with cash.
-i shop with credit.
-i am ur best friend.
-and or ur best enemy.
-i dream of being a hero.
-i have one best chik.
i love food.
-i love to look towards the sky and smile.
-i have a juge temper.
-i have loud laughters.
-i withhold plenty of tears.
-i have a huge amount of pride.
-i am a daughter.
-i have a horrible car.
-i am afraid of failure.
-i dont have patience.
-i hide my fears.
-i have huge goals.
-i love dinners.
-i love rainy days.
-i love my cowboy boots.
-i love warm blankets.
-i dont like my hair down.
-i love to be alone.
-i dont like communication.
-i thank you louie.
-i wear red lipstick.
-i know my brothers are down for me.
-i love 51st dates. the notebook.
-i especially love the little mermaid.
-i will be in televison sometime.
-i love my tatoo.
-i love my belly piercing.
-i love my boyfriends patience.
-i admire certain people.
-i am the baby sister.
-i frown when not satisfied.
-i get my way or no way.
-i love in a huge manner.
-i dislike in the same way.
-i love bright colored acrylic nails
-i dont believe in the bible nor in religion.
-i do believe in some higher being.
-i sneeze exremely loud.
-i dont have an appendix.
-i sometimes think i dont have a brain.
-i am a drill instructor.
-i wear tan and green with pride.
-i love hot pink.
-i love jamba juice.
-i love leopard print.
-i love my family.
-i dont forgive.
-i dont forget.
-i carry a wedding ring.
-i could sleep for days.
-i love winter.
-i love lucy.
-i dislike water and heights.
-i dont just have one mentor i have many.
-i love and dislike life.
-i question life.
-i question me. TLFG.