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The Goalie Survey
What team do you play for? Cranks Catering
How long have you been a goalie? 7 years
Why the hell did you want to be a goalie in the first place? Hated power skating haha
What kind of pads do you wear? vaughn velocities
How much do you hate the new 11 inch width restriction on the pads? meh
What kind of skates? b
Overdrive blades? que?
Stand-up or butterfly? butterfly
Do you believe in old school saves (kick save, stack the pads, etc.)? on occasion
Do you like shootouts? hell yeah
Who's your favorite pro goalie? Miikka Kipprisoff
Who's the best pro goalie of all time? Patrick Roy
Who is the biggest bender goalie of all time? unknown
Have you ever been a backup? Yeah
Do you know what the "backup towel" is? Yep
Have you ever sported it? Once
What brand of helmet do you wear? Warwick
Do you support the plastic neck thing? yeah saves my life
Patrick Roy or Marty Brodeur? Roy
Why can't there ever be a hockey video game where the goalies actually look and play like real goalies? Because goaleis are to hard to truley interperate..
Have you ever gotten in a fight? Yep
Do you prefer soaking wet equipment or bone dry equipment? Dru, cept the glove and blocker
Sharp skates or dull ones? Sharp
Big curve or small? Indifferent
What do you do right before a game to get ready? juggle,
Do you have a subscription to "Goalie's World" Magazine? yep
Do you wear a cat eye? nope
What's the most saves you've ever had in a game? 51
Do you think forwards should stop bitching about goalie equipment being too big and work on their shot more instead of making up excuses? HELL YEAH
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Your Star Wars Pickup Line
"Hey! Did you just grab my ass from across the room with your Force Grip?"
What's Your Star Wars Pickup Line?
Take the quiz: "What famous hockey player are you?"
Patrick Roy
You are the netminding legend Patrick Roy. You excel in many abilities. You are very experienced and you have alot of knowledge. You play smart and you know how to position yourself and cut of angles. You are also superstitious, tricky, and on top of everything your glove is deadly.
I LOVE JASMINE!!! cuz this is all me and jasmine do!! we just smile and laughhhhhhhh shes is the best!! ltetm....teehee
i dont even know where to start about this girl... she is one of the best things thsts ever happened to me.. meeeting her changed mny life.. she is one of the sweetest girls ever.... and i will always, ALWAYS love her... no matter what....
wow.. emma... still dont know where to start... um, well shes amazing and when she is hyper i dont thinkt here is anyone funnier haha, i love her and she is so sweet
this is sammy i dont know what to say about this girl.. but she just my bestest friend
Whats you fav sport to watch on TV? HOCKEY and curling :)
What do you love about the sport you play? intesnity, freedom
Who do you want to win the Stanely Cup this year? CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS!
Who do you think was the best NHL fighter of all time? Bob Pobert
Who is your fav NHL player? Patrick Roy (god)
Who are the biggest rival teams in the NHL? Avs v Red Wings
Who do you think pulled the biggest cheap shot in NHL history? Todd Bertuzzi
What route do you want to go with hockey, College or Jounor? Either or, prefereably both
What college do you favor the most in hockey games or football games? Michigain!!
Who do you think is the best team in the NHL right now? (05-06 season) Atlanta Thrashers
Do you think the new NHL will be better and will more people go to see the games? Yes
Do you think the Blackhawks will actually stand a chance this year? HELL YES!!!!
Whats your favorite part of the game? (hitting, scoring, passes, plays, saves, ect) SAVES and ovechkin
Who would you love to see fight? ( Probert and Worrell, ect) Ovechkin and Crosby
Do You think that the Tampa Bay Lighting will win the cup agian? hell no