Gaysian profile picture


Gotta pinata in my pants, wanna hit it?

About Me

I am an ideaConceived in the mind of the universe And interpreted in the minds of the individuals I meetWithin myself I am constant Yet I am as ever changing As the people who interpret meI can control my actions But I can not control their thoughts Therefore, I must do what I think right, And let others... Think what they will.

My Interests

Just music.

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Its not the bands or the singers who claim to live a certain lifestyle, its not the way they play or the media behind it, its the lyrics that get to me. So I refuse to restrict this to one genre or narrow this to certain musicians because the lyrics and the music are what's important. The rest, are puppets.


Family Guy // Simpsons // Queer as folk // BOY MEETS WORLD // Scrubs // Law and Order: SVU // House // NIP TUCK


Catcher in the Rye, The survivor, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Invisible Monsters, The Awakening, Fight Club, Dog Run, Etc...

My Blog


You stole my Laptop, containing EVERYTHING in my life. My 30gb video iPod containing 892 pictures and 920 songs. My journals, containing my life's tales from June 27th, 2005 - December 19th 2005. My b...
Posted by Gaysian on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 05:48:00 PST

Do you recognize her?

I want you knowThat this is what you've become..Step outside of your body for just a moment, and look at youStanding around, faded off your assCiggarrette in hand There's more alcohol in your systemTh...
Posted by Gaysian on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 08:55:00 PST