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Marijuana Radio TV

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Enjoy another marijuana radio tv hybrid video about our day with Bobby Black's press conference in our studio. Leah's Heavenly Bodies inspired the eyes and the smell of the air was free and skunky. The conference began with Paul the Producer displaying the 'forbidden fruit' that the government makes such an outrageous fuss over. Paul handed the spotlight to McKenna for a heartfelt and memorable moment about her own personal experience as a pot smoker. DanK followed McKenna with some inspiring words, and finally our guest of honor orated to a room full of counter culture enthusiasts. Lots of good folks joined to bring about change, and you should too! Watch until the end for the bonus footage. Go to! Special thanks to CapnCannabis for the extra footage.
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Bobby Black
The Next Level - You rule!
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Enjoy 420 2008 through our eyes as we take you on a smoking celebration worthy of deeper thought. Marijuana Radio was in two places at once, covering from both CU Boulder and in downtown Denver in Civic Center Park. DanK and Paul the Producer saw the 10,000 person mob size crowd in Boulder. DanK happily expressed his appreciation for lovely women all around him on the phone to McKenna, and Paul the Producer showed off the best kind bud ever. McKenna, Roger and Adriana were all in Denver. Watch carefully during the Denver segment and observe how the media is claiming less than 1,000 people were in attendance, when many times more were clearly there. The MJR crew, Lawyer Rob Corry , and Tiny Martinez round out this special treat with narration from the radio discussion about 4/20. Stay tuned for special bonus footage of the Heavenly Bodies Couture Fashion Show . This is why indie media is great. Adults, in the name of pot, enjoy a unique video while you pack and smoke a bowl to celebrate your freedom.
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Enjoy another Marijuana Radio roller coaster with this concert interview bonanza. First up, Paul the Producer talked to The Dirtball at the Aggie Theatre in Fort Collins, Colorado, who proudly declared he's a pot smoker, and talked about Suburban Noize life on the road with his rapper buddy, Big B . Later that night, Jared from (hed) PE got deep about art, his rich chemical experience and the music lifestyle. Next up, McKenna and Paul enjoyed an eventful evening interviewing Miles and Ryan from Slightly Stoopid before their show at the Fox Theatre in Boulder, Colorado. Miles was not shy about his love for weed. The experience of these nights was amplified by marijuana, beer and tequila.

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The Next Level
Glass Gripper
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This time around enjoy our adventure trying out the art of glass blowing. Kind Creations of Fort Collins let us try out the craft for ourselves and we had a blast. If that's not enough, Paul's wife Adriana went all the way to the Czech Republic to meet our sponsor and see them blow their unique style of glass. Please note that Kind Creations sells smoking devices for TOBACCO use only.

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Monster Smoke Shop
The Next Level
Rory Photo
Glass Gripper
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This time around we worked our hardest to produce something very special. Marijuana Back in Time is a story of time travel and follows two Cavemen, Panka and Danka as they jockey for the affections of Kahna. Join them for a special day where they all discover the amazing power of marijuana. This plays more like a short film. It was partly inspired by the 80s film 'Caveman.' So, adults, sit back, light up a fat one, pack a bowl, or however you do it, and enjoy Marijuana Back In Time. It is our greatest and proudest work to date. I don't know how or if it's possible, but please request that YouTube feature this video. This video is intended for viewers over the age of 18. Enjoy!

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Monster Smoke Shop
BC Northernlights
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Marijuana Radio in SKUNK MAGAZINE!

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