I'd like to meet:
Who Would I Like to Meet?
There are so many wonderful people in the world. Do I HAVE to get specific? If so, it may take a while to narrow down the infinitude of choices. Hmm...which means I'll probably have to update my profile again. No problem. Hey, come to think of it, maybe I should choose and add a new person everyday!! Which of course would entail having to update my profile everyday. Okay, now THAT might be a problem --- not to mention a commitment (did even I spell that correctly? I don't know, there's something about that word...) NOW, getting back to WHO I'd like to meet. Like I said, isn't everyone special? Yes. The answer is a definite, unequivocal, YES! BUT, there is just ONE problem: meeting EVERYONE would practically take an eternity and according to statistics, I have barely forty years to fulfill the life expectancy quota for an average individual of my gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Moreover, while it is always helpful to maintain a positive attitude around matters of life and death, it's important to consider that this estimate doesn't figure in how the potential ominous threats of global warming, terrorism, nuclear warfare, and/or a catastrophic pandemic might significantly reduce the number of years our entire species has left to "live it up," if you will. That said, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Age of Aquarius is going to proliferate and Reign O'er the Planet.
Perhaps by this point you've figured out that I've meandered off on a tangent which has absolutely nothing to do with the original question. Whoops! My bad. Please accept my sincere apology for wasting even a MOMENT of your precious time with this issue. The way I see it is that tangents are just long winded teachable moments (and let me stress the word 'MOMENTS') which for the most part, can be very useful and productive. If, on the other hand, you do not see things as I do and the idea of accepting an apology does not appeal to you as a feasible option, then let me offer another in the form of unsolicited advice: lighten up a little, would ya?
Life is teeming with scores of clever details. Treasure and receive them gladly regardless of their subtlety or majesty. Be mindful that it’s not unusual for a peripheral concept to serve as the cornerstone for a new, and exquisitely cultivated orientation. When it comes to driving human sentience forward, it’s possible for a rigid frame of reference to gain pliability through progressive acuity. Likewise, it wouldn't hurt to consider every facet in space and time with courteous attention as there may be a valuable lesson staged within what seems, a tiny window of opportunity. The thought of what may, or may not come to pass out of hitting or missing just ONE creates a vivid impression. The beauty is that as we work within the restrictive, finite framework of linear time, we are unbound by free will over CHOICES which are brought forth with each passing MOMENT. Invest in them wisely and lovingly, for every volition will likely yield profits somewhere to the tune of oh... infinite POSSIBILITIES. Psst-- just in case you are not already aware of this, tunnel vision seldom, if ever, offers access to sweeping views of the BIG picture. The decision to think, act, be, or do with an open mind is completely up to you. However, before you make that decision, I hope you will consider the insight "I" have gained through this personal discursion---
(Ahem) Well, to be honest but not offensive, I JUST NOW came to the conclusion that I really have no desire whatsoever of spending the rest of my conscious life trying to meet EVERYONE on the planet. Frankly, it seems like an exorbitant amount of work and I would much rather devote the remainder of this playdate to the recreation of romping around the "spinning wheel," as it were. It's really that simple. Besides, I'm only fluent in one language and consequently wouldn't even be able to engage in meaningful conversation with a vast percentage of nearly 7 billion people. This, thank heavens, is exactly what brings me back to square ONE.
WHO would I like to meet? WHO would I like to meet? WHO would I like to meet?? WAIT! I have an idea... It's not a "novel" idea but I think it will suffice. Once again, it's going to take some time (or maybe not), effort (or maybe not), and discipline (umph, another word that always manages to stump me). Nevertheless, I'm hoping it might help to steer me out of a conundrum I've surmised based on a simple question. What I've come up with is this: MEDITATION
That's right! I'm going to sit still and focus upon nothing other than nothing in order to become ONE with it ALL. I know, it probably sounds a little strange to all you "mainstreamers" OUT THERE (ha, ha I'm hoping at least ONE reader will put two and two together on this INSIDE joke) but trust me, I've been doing some homework and there doesn't seem to be any other way around it. So, aside from this and that, I'll let you know how I make out later...
P.S. In the meantime, I'll just take people as they come. However, if anyone reading this should happen to come across some guy who calls himself "The Prince of Peace" could you please send him my way? He's DEFINITELY someone I've been waiting to meet for a long, long time. Thanks!
The wave of the future is
not the conquest of the
world by a single dogmatic
creed but the liberation
of the diverse energies of
free nations and free men.
~ John F. Kennedy ~
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