[emmalee] profile picture


failure is never an option

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Well ill start off by telling you my name is emily. Im going to just write a bunch of random shit in here to explain a little bit about myself. Im 20 years old living in the city where presidents get shot. I love Dallas & hate it at the same time. People tend to forget that it isnt Hollywood. Im heavily involved in the nightlife. People say you'll get out of it one day but i dont look at it as something to get out of. If you have your shit together partying is a privlege & your right. Not saying i have my shit together... but im getting there. I am adopted. Some look at adoption as a curse for a child who is brought up in a family knowing there adopted. I look at it as a blessing. I would have & be nothing without my parents. I am extremly random. I honestly dont care what you think about me. I look the way i do becaue if your the type of person to pick me out of a crowd and not talk to me because of the way i look your exactly the kind of person i dont want to meet... which sucks for you... cause im not going to lie... im pretty fuckinnnn cool. I can talk to anyone, in fact i love talking to everyone. Seriously, id even talk to a crackhead on the side of the road as long as he had something to say. I like learning from others. Sharing knowledge between individuals whether they are random or close only strengthens your mind. It takes alot to keep me involved in something that does not challenge me. I always need a challenge. It makes things interesting. I neeeeeeed music. Its a must. Without it i wouldnt be anywhere near who i am today. I love all types of music, i have an ear for whats hot. Im obsessed with graffiti. It hits a place in my heart everytime im walking on the street & i notice the most random tag on the most random object. Seriously graff artists are smart mother fuckers. I want tats. In fact i want sleeves. I will get them. Im a very passionate individual. Hopeless romantic. I believe in Karma. I went to catholic school for 8 years of my life. I dont believe in Jesus. Im not sure what my take on "god" is... i believe there is a higher power... not sure if i want to call it "god". Watch the movie ZeitGeist... it will explain everything...promise. Im a adrenalin junkie. I love cheap thrills. If i could do anything professionally it would be a dj. My favorite movie is BoonDock Saints. I read books....yes yes emily reads books. I love animals & im really good with kids. I bite my inner lip when im nervous. My humor is dry & really out there... some dont really care for it... cool, fuck off. Im honestly sitting here typing trying to explain a little bit more about myself but i cant even explain myself. Im me. Wanna get to know me... cool... im down. Hit me up !