..Who am I?!I'm a weak drummer livin' this goddamn place called Rome,here in Italy.Yes,I believe I'm not still so good,or...well...not good as I'd like me to be.I believe my strenght is that I never give up even when frustration comes.I keep playin' cause I love it like nothing else on this planet and I cannot see me in this world not behind a drum kit.I also know that perhaps the world won't be grateful for this. :D
As you may have noticed I'm currently playin' in a rock band:the Dirty Pleasure.Go and see the space and listen to the stuff you find.Hope you'll enjoy(I play drums only on ONE of the songs there: I'm not that bad,ok. ;) ).Sure you will.
Other things to say??Well,I think I am a nice and friendly person.You believe I'm not?Maybe the reason is that I'm not that way with you,cause I can't stand you!