Monaycius Beauty Studio profile picture

Monaycius Beauty Studio

I am here for Networking

About Me

This website is for NETWORKING ONLY…
A lil history about me. My name is Mona Cius and I was born in Miami, FL. I gradurated from Miami Central Senior High and ventured off to Florida Atlantic University majoring in Health Administration with a minor in Business. Monaycius, is actually my full name put together with a “y” and the “c” is silence. I discovered this name during my freshman year in college and just decided to adopt it as a nickname. Enterprise is something that I came up along the way because of the different endeavors within the company; it was the perfect accent.
Monaycius Enterprise consists of two entities:
- Da Beauty Studio {My First Luv}
- Event & Party Planning
During my college years is where I discovered my talents. I always had a passion for make-up every since high school but never really got into the whole aspects of it because my parents never really allowed it until I was a certain age. Only lip-gloss (You know how parents can be sometimes when you are a teenager…lol) Over the years make-up became a hobby, which developed into a profession. I am always learning the newest trend and staying up-to-date with the fashion world. My drive is making people feel wonderful, beautiful, or to just feel like a “celebrity” even if it is just for the moment. Participating in pageants, stage plays, proms, weddings, fashion shows, and prints.
You are now looking at the new face to MAC Cosmetics and Shu Uemura. I interviewed for the position as a make-up artist and my skills landed me the job. How exciting!!!
I am blessed to be able to expand my talent. The word is spreading around town for my dramatic eye effect. Just taking one day at a time, improving my skills, and being patient. (Because patient is a virture)
Here is a sample of my work but go into my pictures section to find more detail.
Also, I landed the job as a make-up artist for La Belle Top Model Agency, Inc. Check Out My New Family on my top friends lists...
During my junior & senior years in college, I was the Director for Black Student Union so putting together an event became a learning aspect. This helped me into staying organized, networking with different venues, and staying on top of your game (which is very important). What makes me so unique and different is my ability to think outside of the box. I have a big imagination, which allows me to visions things that other people won’t see and that what make my events so different. Also, I am aspired by different elements that surround me. NOT only am I you planner but also your DESIGNER at the same time.

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