About Me
As breeders of American Bullies we have extremely high expectations as to the conformation, health, and temperment that our bullies should posses. As we strive for that perfection certain line-breeding and out-crossing is necessary. We are taking a blend of the more popular bloodlines like Razors Edge and Gottiline but still paying close attention to the quality achieved through smaller lines such as Cloverhill, and Coldsteel.
It is imperative that we breed for the future. We must keep in mind that as we improve this breed and create 'that look' we can unknowingly take from the breed as well. Certain negative genetic traits like hip dysplasia, heart disorders and other weakness' can take from what we love.
We have spoke to so many 'respectable' breeders who say "yes this dog is show quality" only to find a curly tail, bad bite, weak hindquarters, or feet turned too far. And they say this is acceptable??? We say 'NO',we will not settle for less! We arent going to go out and buy the best but through careful selection, time, and patience we will do what a few other select breeders have done...breed the best!
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