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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well, I'm a dork. Or weren't you paying attention. I was raised a vegan yogi. I mean VEGAN. We didn't eat anything but veggies and even those weren't cooked all the way. So, when I was 11, I started drinking and eating KFC and Burger King and Ragu pasta meals (remember those?). I also really enjoyed the Entenman's ( chocolate crumb glazed donuts. Yum Yum. I was born in Huntington Beach, CA and we moved to Encinitas when I was 6. I grew up with the old skater doods like Lance Mountain, Tony Alva, Dave Duncan, & yep, you guessed it, Tony Hawk. I was really good friends with Gator. But, I don't know him anymore. He's in prison, you know. I miss him how he was. I don't know how he is now. My big brother Josh rips skating. He's like the best or something. But other people think he's really good too, so I'm not alone in my theory that he should be making money skateboarding. You should send him some money right now. No,'s okay. I have 3 half sisters, 2 brothers, 1 full sister, and 4 step sisters. I have like 16 nieces & nephews. Consequently, I do not have to have kids. Just because I have a uterus, doesn't mean I have to use it. It'll get rotten and fall out one day and that's just fine with me. That was gross, huh. Sorry. Maybe. Maybe I want to gross you out. But, I probably don't because I'm kind of a nice girl. Maybe I'm not really and I'm fooling you with my nice words. Something to ponder....I love to play! There's a game called run fall down that I play with Tatiana. This is how it goes. Okay. You go to the beach. You know how the water's cold and you are afraid of the gushy sand and rocks and pits and ocean monsters? Well, here's how run fall down helps you stay cool on those hot summer days. You run as fast as you can into the water until you fall down. Now, I know what you're thinking. "The monsters will still get me." Not so. They will be surprised at the quickness of your little agile footsies and scurry away. And you will be cool and maybe not have a top on anymore. And sometimes, if you're lucky, your bottoms kind of slip to the side so that half of your deal is showing. Fun for everyone. Unless you have ugly boobies and a creepy deal. I do not. So there. There's this other game that is also fun to play. You would think it's played at the beach, but you would be incorrect. It's called Baywatch, which is what would lead you to thinking it's played at the beach. Again, it's not. Stop thinking that. Anyway, to play Baywatch, you must have big pants on. You unbotton and/or unzip the big pants, and make sure you have underwear on, unless you are into showing off your deal. Again, unbotton the big pants and unzip them about halfway. Dickies are especially great for this game. Run in slow motion. As you run, make sure it's in slow motion, your pants will slide sexily down your ass and show your clean underwears off. You will resemble the girls on Baywatch. No, it's true. People often mistake me for a lifeguard girl with huge fake boobs when I play this game. Don't ask me why, it's just the way it is. I write kids stories. I used to write them for my baby sister, but she's almost 21 now. She used to think I was really cool, but I think we're too old for that now. So, I am not cool and don't exude cool and can't be cool because I'm too old. And I can't think of anything cool to say in my stories anyway. When you're my age, and a dork,'s like I said before, I'm a dork. I love crossword puzzles and reading and painting things. Little ceramic things. Not just random things that I come across during the day. I don't paint the walls in my apartment...I don't think they would appreciate that. They who? You know, those they people. I recently discovered that I really like to take my old jeans (or the new ones that I've either never worn or haven't worn in a long time) and I cut them and bleach them and change them into jeans I like. It's a good time. I have such a good job and the guys I work with are really fun. I am the only girl...that's great for me. Boys are sometimes nicer to work with than girls. And they aren't quite as anal about piles of paper I keep on my desk. I like the disorder of order. I am a word freak. I correct everything but my own writing. I almost couldn't eat at this restaurant in Seattle because of all the typos and misspellings. I hope I spelled that correctly. That would be funny if I didn't. Hee Hee. My Dad got married in June 2005. He lives in Port Townsend WA. Visit. It's absolutely lovely. Enough about my Daddy. My turn. I am SOBER! My sobriety date is 8-27-87. It's a little weird to me that I haven't put anything mind altering in my body for that many years. But, some of the guys I've been with have and who knows...maybe it transfered. Gross! Hey, maybe I am just a yucky girl. But I don't think so. I love my friends and family. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but it better be good. Or happy. Or give me lots of money. I don't like sprouts. I don't like sprouts. Or didn't you get that? I really don't like sprouts. There, that should do it. My mom used to make me eat a handful of home grown alfalfa sprouts after I drank all of my carrot, apple, celery juice, but before I was allowed to eat my salad of all organic produce (no, there wasn't iceberg lettuce) with no dressing. After that, I was allowed to eat my potato and some crunchy steamed veggies. Which I still like. Except squash. I'm not a big squash fan. I really, really like swiss chard. Nummy!!! I am pretty silly. Ask anybody. Well, anybody who knows me. I think I look better in pictures (mostly) than I do in person. I type really fucking fast. I'll tell you what! Anyway, I will perhaps think of some other stuff to say about myself at another time. Oh look! I've found more to say. Who's surprised? Probably not anyone. By the by, am I smarter with my glasses on? Why, yes. I am. And now, serious Heather (no, my real name is not Fart Face). Once upon a time, I was a little girl and I had dreams and hopes and even wishes. And I had light in my eyes and hope in my heart and I was happy. And I get closer and closer to that little girl every day and farther and farther away from the cynical, sad woman I was very close to becoming. And, my final thought for the evening is, Life is Good. Love you.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Well, I already know so many people.....can more fit? I would like to meet people that are as much fun as the people I already know. I want more friends to play with. And by play I mean.....coloring, movies, going to the beach, pool (not swimming, but that's ok too), laughing. I love laughing. Make me laugh. I dare you! There, you did it. I would love to meet people who make me laugh. And cry. Or maybe not crying. Maybe laughing so hard that I cry. Or pee. That, I'd like to see. I think that grown ups are too concerned with looking and acting like grown ups. Is that 2 words or 1? Hmmm...Anyway, if we all remembered how to play, I think we'd be happier people. I want to be able to go to one of my friends' houses and ask "Can so-and-so play?" Not that I have a friend named so-and-so, but you get what I mean. And if you don't, then you need a refresher course in words to use when you can't think of a name to put where a name should be. I teach one of those down at MCC in Cardiff. It's a really good time. We play. I know that I would NOT like to meet idiots or losers. I seem to attract old married men or gay old married men or men who are assholes in general and that worries me. Am I an old gay married assholish man? Is that what they mean when they say water seeks it's own level? I certainly hope not. Because if that's true then I'm screwed. I've been fooling myself all along. So, hopefully that's not it.

My Blog

Things I Love

I e bagels...I do like bagels a lot...there was a bagel shop in Vista and that was the name of it.  I really loved that sign and wanted to steal it every time I drove by it.I love that I have the capa...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 21:47:00 GMT

Dear Gramma:

Dear Gramma, It's the 2 year anniversary of your death.  I miss you just as much as I did last year.  I will admit that thinking of you makes me smile more often than it makes me cry, though...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:10:00 GMT

Your Horoscope

Your Horoscope   Capricorn:  (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):  You are conservative and afraid of taking risks.  You are basically chicken shit.  There has never been a Capricorn of any imp...
Posted by on Wed, 17 May 2006 18:00:00 GMT

Foul Language in the Workplace

Oops!! Someone must have overheard me . . . . .   Dear Employees,   It has been brought to managements attention that some individuals throughout the company have been using foul language du...
Posted by on Wed, 17 May 2006 17:56:00 GMT

The Magic Toad

The Magic Toad ----By Fart Face   Once upon a time, there was a toad.  He was not your run-of-the-mill toad.  He was extremely large.  In fact, he was the biggest toad in the world...
Posted by on Mon, 01 May 2006 14:12:00 GMT