My name is Tiiu,I consider myself bohemian, i believe in TRUTH, BEAUTY, FREEDOM, and above all LOVE! I have a fiance, my girlfriend of 4 years, we are bestfriends and totally in love so back off. Im half Estonian, and half Irish the combination makes a heavy drinker with pretty eyes lol. If u kno me u kno im a shy person, but if i kno someone long enough i can be pretty open I'm very mellow, im half hippy half gangsta ass thug! Im really into music, sho concerts and festivals are my favorite place to go. my name is estonian and u prolly cant pronounce it, but dont feel bad nobody can. i am the youngest out of 8 kids and have plenty of beautiful nieces and nephews who i love! I love scavenger hunts, long walks on the beach, and just having as much fun as possible. I like to party, and i work alot at my job at a hotel with my family. i have no enemies, that i kno of at least...
R.I.P VAN...
.. XxESTOshkankxX
AOL: TUNITmofo07
LIVE JOURNAL: tunitbiznotchto days of inspiration, playing hooky making something out of nothing, the need to express to communicate. To going against the grain, going insane, going mad. To loving tension, no pension, to more than one demention, starving for attention, hating convention, hating protension, not to mention of course hating dear ol mom and dad. To riding ur bike midday passed the three peice suits, to fruits, to no absolutes, to absolutes, to choice, to the Village Voice, To any passing fad. To being an us for once, instead of a them! WINE AND BEER!! To handcrafted beers mad in local breweries, to yoga to yogurt, to rice and beans and cheese. to leather to dildos to curry vandaloo, to juevos ranchevos, and Maya Angelou. Emotion, Devotion, to causing a commotion, creation, vacation, mucho masterbation! To fashion, to passion, when its new...To stage, to Uda, to Buddah! Pablo Nuruda!...Bisexuals, Trisexuals, homosapians, hullucenegens, men, Pewee Herman! To apathy, to entropy, to ecstacy, The Sex Pistols, 8bc, To no shame, never playing the fame game. TO MARIJUANA!!! La Vie BOheme!!
totally in love