shooting stars. art. trying new things. reading. pumpkin pie. Bruce Willis. Banana Splits. lyrics. my awesome friends. photography. sharpie markers. mc escher. philosophy. daisies. road trips. art museums. yoda. van gogh. rodeos. family. long walks. Mustangs. tattoos. garfield. random adventures. hysterical laughter. fall. camping. alaskan huskies. eating exotic food. staying up all night. the history channel. sunsets. finding out what this life is all about.
Isaac Slade. John Cusak. Bruce the man Willis. Albert Einstein. Jake Ryan.
I like music.
Jimmy Eat World.
A New Found Glory.
The Replacements.
Sense Field.
I particularly like my cooler than the Fonz ipod mix.
Office Space. anchorman. Supertroopers. Spaceballs. Strange Brew. Sixteen Candles. Breakfast Club. Pretty in Pink. All Back to the Futures. Wayne's World. High Fidelity. My girl. Jerry Mcguire. The Notebook. The Departed. Anything with Bruce Willis, Will Ferrel, Denzel, or John Cusack in it.
JEOPARDY!!!!! law and order, the simpsons, the wonder years, family guy, Foster's,COPS,SNL! Doug, the oc, scooby doo, where are you? , DEGRASSI!!!!
flowers for algernon. Sherlock Holmes. tuck everlasting. carls sandburg. John Donne. Maya Angelou. shel silverstein. The BFG. Ronald Dahl.
those who dare to imagine, to say or do. Captain Planet and the planeteers. my grandpa. albert einstein.