Yo!! Wh@ts Goodie Dis Y@ Gurl @LEXIS RENEE
@k@ "LIL MIZZ FL0$$Y" D@ 1 & Only... D@ Re@list Chyc Ev@, Im usually nice 2 errbody , but dont let d@ cute f@ce fool y@ cuz y@ gurl got h@ndz Y@ Digg!!!...I love 2 d@nce, & h@ng out with outgoing & spont@neous ppl ..Im "Real Crazy" @lot of ppl luv 2 be around me(well th@ts wh@t i w@s told) i re@lly dont c@re if they dont...N-e-w@yz I @ttend LSHS..Pirate Pride You Know!!!!! It @int @ll d@t but its cool I re@lly dont like school but i do plan on going 2 college cuz there @int "ish" down here__.. Im usually down 4 wh@teva & i ride or die 4 mii nigg@z .. I @int d@ type of chyc 2 st@rt no dr@m@, Y@ GURL N@Y IZ ON HER GROWN WOM@N ST@TUS ... {LOVE ME OR H@TE ME}