Im Trav John Paul Lennon Richards Eaton.
I dont seem to do much these days, theres fuck all to do! Everythings so boring lately its unbelieveable. I finally passed my Driving Test on my 3rd attempt on the 21st of June 07 WHOOOP! :) Music plays a big part in my life, i ant a clue what i do without it lol. Im the best guitarist in yorkshire, or8 then the world if ya want haha. I used to play guitar in a band but we split up, neway be r8 :) so really all i enjoy doin nar is playin mi guitar n guin art wi mi mates n avin a laff! :) You'll probly see me out n about in town on wednesdays n saturdays, if you do say hi :)
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Cool people!! And a nice girl :)
My Blog
Ive bin bandless for too long nar lol. if anyone fancys startin a band up gis a shout x Posted by on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 10:37:00 GMT