Dance, bouldering & rock climbing, travel, culture, finding the best red wine, coffee & dark chocolate, obscure languages, old used bookstores, art galleries... on and on...
Anyone I've already met in person. Who knows... maybe I'm just old fashioned.
Yeah, I like music. :) At least, I really enjoy good, original or somehow meaningful music... I hate poppy mainstream crap. I could make a list a mile long that would have everything from classical to jazz to a plethora of rock, punk and indie forms. I have a soft spot for most unique ethnic folky forms of music like turkish folk rock and celtic music. I am not a huge fan of country, rap or hip hop but can appreciate genuinely good artists. I love discovering new stuff...
indie, classics, musicals, foreign, mockumentary (if it's not raunchy). I shouldn't admit this but I also like the two extremes: movies where stuff gets blown up as well as the hopeless romantic flicks like BBC Jane Austen. Oh yeah... and movies about dancing.
Arrested Development, Ugly Betty, The Office (on DVD or the web... I don't have a TV licence so no tele for me!
Bible, The Great Divorce, The Problem of Pain, Blue Like Jazz, Captivating, The Heavenly Man, The Cross and the Switchblade, Red Moon Rising, The Virginian... bla bla bla... too many books. Authors though... that's a little easier-- C.S. Lewis, A.W. Tozer, John Piper, Philip Yancey, Donald Miller, Jane Austen, George Eliot...
And hey... if you'd like to buy me some more reading material, you can visit my
U.K. Amazon Wishlist !
Jesus, Paul, Isaiah, John Knox, C.S. Lewis, A.W. Tozer, Pete Greig, R.C. Sproul, Ravi Zacharias, Mike Oman in Northern Ireland... AND... My Family :)