Frank ...w/e :p profile picture

Frank ...w/e :p

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey, I'm Frank, i'm a junior at Farrell. I'm 17. I'm on the track team. I Like music, baseball, talking (online or in person), hanging out, but mostly running. I'm pretty obsessed with track and cross country and the people that run them. Sometimes my friends say im overconfident, but i dont really think so. Then again some people say im "timid" lol so idk. Basically here for friends and meeting new people. If u wanna talk my sn is : f13lancero..

Run World, Run

Posted Apr 19, 2005

The Presidents of the United States of America provide the music for this nice little viral for Brooks (a shoe company, apparently).

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My Interests

you know you are a runner if...-you spit -you have been spit on, and not cared -you run through goosepoop like it doesnt exist -you have been spiked -you use frozen peas/vegetables to ice -taping is heaven -you know carbs are good -you have a warm up mix -you say "catch my drift" a lot -you know the ammount of time to digest before you run -you know what PR's are -you get mad when people dont know what a 400 is, or any distance for that matter -you own more running shoes than regular shoes -you enjoy running in the rain -you cheer when athletes from different countries to beet the US -you get excited when a new flavor of gatorade comes out -theres no such thing as too much pasta -you wear a black, plastic sports watch with your dress clothes. -you can remember a time from a race 4 years ago, but you can't remember your friend's birthdays. -you are not embarassed to show someone where your hamstring "really" hurts. -you know your resting heart rate, maximum heart rate, and exactly what your heart rate is at all parts of your run. -you wear your running shorts underneath your work clothes so that you can quickly get running after work. -you love shoes...running shoes. -you won't drive by any running store without a quick look inside. -you know exactly how far a kilometer is. -you have more old dirty shoes piled by the door than a farmer. . -you read each month's issue of Runner's World cover to cover within 24 hours. -you not only know how you did in a race, but you know exactly how every other runner finished. -you drive by a golf course and think what a nice place it would be to run. -you know splits are something that not only cheerleaders care about. -your friends know to never call you after 8:30 at night. -you get up earlier to run on the weekends than you do for school/work. -you think that the inventor of Powerbar should have his likeness engraved on Mount Rushmore. -you have hundreds of safety pins scattered around your house. -you have more T-shirts than a souvenir shop. -you can't wait for your next birthday so you move into a new age group. -you check out the running stores for the new styles. -you know that cotton is not the best fabric for running! -someone asks you how your run was, you go into a 10 minutes description of every factor of it. -you could watch a whole marathon and not be bored. -you think of distances in terms of mile repeats. -you don't care what the temperature is, 0 and snow or 100 and 100% humidity -you can convert miles to km and back in your head in a second -people think you disappear into the woods -you wear multicolored socks for no reason -when someone asks you what you did today, you respond with a number -you run 2 miles for practice and tell your coach that was a nice warm-up -you've mastered the evil eye to give to all competitors before a big race -you can eat almost anything and the pounds never show (and your non-running buddies hate you for this) -you enjoy racing your shadow. -your wardrobe consists of at least 1/2 race/school team t-shirts. -your "nice" shoes are your new running shoes. -You've considered calling your child speedy, prefontaine, bowerman, bullet, unna, olympia, etc. -You drink water as quickly as a fat child eats cake. -you look dumbfounded when everyone asks you how long your marathon was. (26.2 miles... duh) -instead of candy bars you keep energy bars in your desk. -you don't blink an eye at $100 for running shoes, but you have to think about $100 for any other shoes. -you save bib numbers in a scrap book -you know to the hundreth of a mile how far it is around your neighborhood -you have imaginary lines on the ground (start/finish) -you dont even bother to use your car to get to nearby stores -you look at other people's running shoes to see if they really can tell -any parking spot is never too far away.... -you know when all the latest running shoes are to come out -you spend way too much time shopping for socks -you know every runner in you're community -when you run a mile in school, you finish at least a lap before everyone else -when you run a mile in school and you critisize the way other people run -all you can talk about was you're run from the day before -you think frisbee is the ultimate workout :)


Pretty much anything that sounds good.


Fight Club, No Country for Old Men, Secret Window, Wihout Limits, Ferris Beuller's Day Off, Rounders,...Cloverfield---NOT


I watched a marathon on TV once( i was sick and had nothing better 2 do), but i can reely watch just about anything, unless its reely annoying or involves the mets or red sox, which would make it reely annoying.


Catcher in the Rye, Pre, Profiles of High School Runners, Why We Run (yea, it's an actual book)hmmmmm not big on books though, but if im bored i'll read a chapter from one something like those.


Steve Prefontaine, Henry Rono, Seb Coe, Abibi Bakila (he ran a marathon barefoot... and won!), anyone who is a runner and will continue to be until a very old age, Anyone who has risked themselves for the well being of others and/or pushed themselves to the absolute limit.