I edited my layout at Bigoo.ws , check out these Myspace Layouts!
"TIME PRESENT & TIME PAST ARE BOTH PERHAPS PRESENT IN TIME FUTURE"..... T.S.ELLIOT.... "Forgiveness Does Not Change The Past, But It Does Enlarge The Future. 1 Can Not Undo Anything 1 Have Already Done, But 1 Can Face Up 2 It. 1 Can Tell The Truth. 1 Can Seek Forgiveness, And Then Let God Do The Rest".... ITS SURPRISING WHAT U CAN ACHIEVE WHEN U SET YOURSELF AN IMPOSSIBLE TASK... "Often people tend 2 live there lives backwards, they try 2 have more things or more money, in order 2 do more of what they want, so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. YOU MUST 1st BE WHO YOU REALLY ARE, then do what u need 2 do, in order 2 have what u want"!!!...... ITS NOT WHAT U KNOW IN LIFE THAT WILL TAKE U WHERE U WANT 2 GO, ITS THE THINKING, DOING/ACTING.....