When All Life Ends Demo (2006)
Frozen Times Demo (2006)
The Last Border of Hope (2007)
The Bellgrave Chronicles (2008Spitting bloodclears up realityand dream alike.Pampas grass, now dry,once bent this wayand that.Bitter winds of winter --but later, river willow,open up your buds.Empty-handed I entered the worldBarefoot I leave it.My coming, my going --Two simple happeningsThat got entangled.Like dew dropson a lotus leafI vanish.The teaching we received from theFathers of our faithCan be found at the tip of my stick.Coming, all is clear, no doubt about it. Going, all is clear, without a doubt.What, then, is all?Inhale, exhaleForward, backLiving, dying:Arrows, let flown each to eachMeet midway and sliceThe void in aimless flight --Thus I return to the source.Mit Bedauern habe ich erfahren das mein Sänger "Phil Kronhofer" tragisch aus dem Leben geschieden ist. "Phil" war eine unglaubliche Bereicherung für "P-B-S".
Das Projekt "P-B-S" wird trotz dieses herben Rückschlages weiter
geführt und schon bald wird neues Material ins Rennen geschickt.