Completely over the drama that my last relationship brought into my life, content on moving forward with my next one, which is proving to be less full of drama and more full of love. I've never been happier.I'm not as stupid as some people may think; I don't get even - I get ahead. Therefore, when someone pisses me off, I love to watch them suffer. Call me sadistic, I call it satisfaction. Or karma. I so wish I could tell a story without little Ms. Princess bitching. I hope she's still crying.Generally, I'm a happy person and willing to do pretty much anything to help people in need. I can't stand to see someone I care about suffering. My social habitat now consists of - my workplace, as I practically live there, or used to. 7/5/2009, my last day as hospitality's bitch. I enjoy my work, and get to meet all kinds of interesting people. Case in point - there is most always someone checking in who does not speak English. Point and grunt, point and grunt, smile like it makes sense.I sing and do all the musical things. I act. I write. Well, I used to. My poetic genius is a little dim lately. I have, however, published my first book, available for sale through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, entitled "Always, Keri".My current escape from the world: World of Warcraft. I'm entertaining myself a shaman (yes, like William Shattner on that one commercial...only I'm not a cow). You can find me on Nagrand (Kierala or Sieren) if I'm not at work. Yes, horde junkies, I am alliance. Guild: Wizards of Oz. Deal with it.I'm pretty sure there's more about me...can't really think of it right now. If you want to know - I don't bite... hard. Send a message.
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