Extreme sports, extreme parties, and keeping life interesting in general.
Anyone who has a good attitude and I always like to share a conversation with my lovely lady; I like to meet those who of course share the same interests and are willing to experience different activities. My dream girl is one who can ski down a mountain holding a beer glass without spilling, now that's hot.
Underground Hip-Hop, reggea, alternative rock, and classic rock
300, cheech & chong-up in smoke, The Rock, Spun, and The Pest
Family Guy, Nip-Tuck, 24, and The Sopranos. BlueTorch and ESPN
Da Vinci Code, Atlas Shrugged, Jurassic Park, NetForce, and "How To Win Friends And Influence People" by Dale Carnegie (recommend this to everyone).
Pele', Hugh Heffner, and Genuwine (for all those very effective mood settings with the ladies!)