Myspace Layouts at / Pink & white roses - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts at / Pink & white roses - Image Hosting
My two oldest Sister.. They both inspired me of whatever I'm doing, they lend me a hand everytime I'm down that is why I love them soo much.. Thankz for being there for me and never give up on me..This is my Older brother.. He look up to me, he teach me how to take care of myself and his alwayz there whenever I need help. Im really glad that his my bro..This is my other brother with my two cute niece & nephew, he has this thing that he doesn't show his affection coz his tough and all but I know deep inside his soft.. because his my bro, he alwyz there for when ever I' in trouble in high school hhee.. but that is
I would like to met new people who is down to earth and who knoe how to have fun in lyfe hehehe.. well yah lyfe is short but furst of all I find the man of my life GiAn CaRlO dEla cRuz My hUnNyBuNnYbOo.. And if ever anyone want to add me up.. fell free to add me.. haterz fUcK ofF..
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WatEvA - That keeps me moVin n shake ma thang if yah knoe warra mean ;P.. aNyThanG that koo to lisTen.. make it smooth
AmErIcAn Pie, sWeeT NoVeMbeR, Scary MOVie2, FindInG NemO n meny mow..
hell yeH.. Gotta be- dah cartoon Network n foshow DisNeY -CHANNEL- baby {54-55}
"I lUv to read noTT hehe ;p" dah truth is I'am not relly dah ReAdDiN type ;P
Of CoUrSe!! mY pAR3Nt!!! Mr. Gian Carlo