Alejandro Del Mar profile picture

Alejandro Del Mar

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

follow alexofviamarina at

Name's Alejandro, Alex for short. I'm a Ventura County native, being born in Camarillo and growing up in Oxnard. I live with my wonderful Mom and step-Dad now, and in between destinies at the moment. I love to snowboard, thrive on music made live, and enjoy political debate and philosophical conversation with my friends ( when I'm not busy kicking their buts in Tekken, DDR, or Soul Calibur.)

P.S. 2008 has sucked balls so far. I need a sabbatical.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

You? Come with no expectations.

My Blog

just a thought

The night the tabby got away A song was made But never played A heart sings out to the cosmos calling Left in darkness thoughts require To dream a dream To anchor heart's desire And hope to  ...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 08:00:00 GMT