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Frakture was founded in 1997 to promote free improvised music through an artist led organisation. For performance and concerts there are Frakture Concerts, Splash Gigs and the NEW format interoduced in 2008 FRAKASS. Frakture Records has issued three CDs of our work.Frakture also offers workshops for personal development, SNAP: out of it and Vocal Play. The Frakture Big Band formed in 1998 offers an opportunity for musicians to play free improvised music in a large ensemble format, occaisionally taking in new compositional methods too.The following is a very small number of the fantastic musicians and groups who have played ar Frakture -
Derek Bailey, Evan Parker, Eddie Prevost, Otomo Yoshihide, Eugene Chadbourne, Keith Rowe, Lol Coxhill, Carlos Zingaro, Phil Minton, John Butcher, Mick Beck, Simon Fell, Maggie Nicols, the Bohman Brothers, Mark Sanders, John Edwards, Paul Hession, Ben Patterson, Tony Bevan, Bark!, Remote Viewers, Sylvia Hallett, Anna Homler, Johannas Bergmark, Charlie Collins, Paul Wilkinson,
Here is a slide show of recent events, showing the range of our activities.