60th Cycle BioOver the past 3 years, 60th cycle has developed a unique sound through vast individual influences. This 3 piece band was founded by Ryan Cass, who handles lead locals and guitar. Drummer and backup vocalist Matt Mai was add about 2 and a half years ago. The final piece of this musical collage is Aric "Sheek" Chil'-Cote', who players bass guitar and also sings back up vocals60th Cycle's music is diverse and melodic, ranging from mellow mood music to heavy rock. There are even elements within certain songs that represent progressive rock, jazz, improvisation and pop. Such a spectrum of music invites a variety of listeners, which is evident at live performancesThe Band has recently released a full-length CD containing 14 tracks The album, Quarter Life Crisis, was recorded in Wausau, WI at Whitehouse Studios. It was produced and engineered by Marty Cheyka and mastering was done by Rodney Mills of Rodney Mills Mastering House in Atlanta, GA. 60th Cycle looks forward to performing nation-wide and sharing their music with new listeners.To buy any 60th Cycle Merchandise
Go to www.60thcycle.com
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Ryan Cass Is a proud player Of Tom Anderson Guitars
60th cycle september 1 2007
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