The Cambodian Genocide took place between the years of 1975 and 1979. During this short period of time 2 million journalists, government officials, and those who defied the Khmer Rouge were killed. These deaths were a result of starvation, executions, and forced labors. -----The Khmer Rouge (Red Khmer) under the power of Pol Pot was officially started in 1975. The exact date they took power of Phnom Penh was April 17th 1975. The Khmer Rouge, acted as though they were a "Peace-Oriented" association when they gained most of their support in the less populated parts of Cambodia, the country side. Taking advantage of all the support the Khmer Rouge took control of the government and started a genocide the world should never forget.----Many of the prisoners before being killed were taken to a converted high school called S-21. S-21 was turned into a prison where people were tortured, killed, ECT.
This is a video made by a man on youtube explaining the Cambodian Genocide.
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