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contemporary diogenes

About Me

autodidact. dilettante. i am a cup of coffee: dark and bitter, but hot, stimulating, and comforting. i am also horrible at conjuring up metaphorical descriptions of myself. a friend once described me as differance (not a misspelling. read some derrida, you twit.) personified.i recently realized that my profile is not designed to entice new people into adding me as a friend. i like it that way.Perhaps Gramsci said it best, "In order to be born again, first you have to die." What kind of postmodernist are you!?
You are a Theory Slut. The true elite of the postmodernists, you collect avant-garde Indonesian hiphop compilations and eat journal articles for breakfast. You positively live for theory. It really doesn't matter what kind, as long as the words are big and the paragraph breaks few and far between.
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My Interests

waxing grandiloquent, reading, smoking camel special lights, social criticism, self criticism, art criticism, literary criticism, rock and/or roll, banging away ineffectually at my new drums, gin/vodka drinks, irony, sincerity, objects, subjects, texts, education, political theory, human motivation, intellectual history, language, modernity, postmodernity, wit, thought. getting into graduate school and leaving gainesville behind. enjoying gainesville in the meantime.

I'd like to meet:

people capable of sustaining polysyllabic conversation. people capable of shocking me out of my stolidity. people who can help me transgress my historically constituted boundaries.


the rapture, radiohead, the fever, moving units, walkmen, guided by voices, laptop, russian futurists, magnetic fields, my bloody valentine, new order, the cure, mission of burma, electrelane, built to spill, the make-up, belle & sebastian, deerhoof, animal collective, stereolab, sonic youth, stone roses, clap your hands, wolf parade, shins, pavement, soviet, enon, flaming lips, archers of loaf, sebadoh, elvis costello, wedding present, pulp, new pornographers, tv on the radio, the kills, octopus project, man man, etc.


Lost in Translation, Royal Tennenbaums, House of Yes, Kicking and Screaming (Noah Baumbach, not Will Ferrel), Whit Stillman's Metropolitan Trilogy, Bowling for Columbine, Adaptation, Eternal Sunshine, La Haine, 8 1/2, The Third Man, Band of Outsiders, City of God, We Don't Live Here Anymore, documentaries, almost all Woody Allen, etc.


the daily show, pbs, anything that convinces me the situationists were right, the one or two shows that draw situationist theories into question. law & order and arrested development.


anything by: calvino, eco, rushdie, foster wallace , delillo, malamud, barth, barthes, said, benjamin, horkheimer, adorno, habermas, foucault, nietzsche, mann, hesse, kafka, kundera, dostoievski, bulgakov, turgenev, pasternak, garcia maquez, borges, coetzee, maugham, joyce, eliot, etc. i also secretly like comic books.


ludwig wittgenstein, cornel west, don delillo, the frankfurt school, michel foucault. possibly derrida, once i fully understand him.