I think, therefore I am, without malice nor wonder, yet with explicit need for human emotion void of the negativism that life has become, yes, I am comfortably numb....
Grab This Layout: Exotic Tropical Beach - Summer Layout
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Enjoy each sunset like it is your last because we are not promised tomorrow but only this moment to live in.I'm a blessed, happily married transplanted Okie to the gulf coast. I have been around the world and lived in many places and cannot see myself living anywhere else but on the gulf coast. God has matched me to my soul mate, my life partner, bride, best friend! We complete each other perfectly.I have learned to live life again. I love to quote Jimmy Buffett; "woke up one morning and I was looking at fifty, trying to figure what comes next. You have to take the best from whatever the situation is and go on." That's pretty much me too, been through the crash bangs just like Jimmy and got back up and dusted myself off and moved on.Paula and I enjoy boating out to the islands in the gulf on our Key West center console boat and living our own Corona commercials drinking Landsharks. Pop a tent, pop a chair, Pop a cooler, pop a coal beer!I have learned that you will have many "friends" in life, but not many real friends. I don't place value on material things, but I do place value on friendship. Some are worth just a dollar and very few are priceless. I have seen too many "friends" walk away when I needed them the most lately and just a couple that walked in when I needed them.