Laura profile picture


About Me

i have a mum and a brother and two pretty dogs MOOZIE (girl) and ODIE (boy). odie acts like such a spolied princess, (but manages to make this seem cute somehow:P) and has these huge pretty eyelash sorta things. moozie tried screwing a girl dog on holiday once. and she raped a toy dog (which i owned, hmph) in our yard. shes bi, she raped my boy dog, too. how rude. ANYWAY, that was disgusting. i dont usually talk about animal sex...unlike abbey who said a monkey was sexy while we were in psych. i bet the teacher could have thought of about 25 mental problems demonstrated by that sentence alone.........................................I HAVE a pet snake called ARCHIBALD, which is a german name (and german things, especially accents, are so sexy. especially on guys.) i called it archibald because while i was planning a name, i was looking at the honey on our bench, which is called 'archibald' honey. and the name amused me because it sounds so...smarmy. its currently midnight, so dont blame me if this is incoherrent and badly spelled. im naturally blonde, cut me some slack (yes, that was un-pc, but piss off, MIDNIGHT i say!!!). i prefer not wearing shoes, but i'm not gonna go all hippie and step on glass in public and get coated in filth. grey eyes are the sexiest. when i die, i wanna die some gruesome hilarious way if im young. like...putting explosives in a toilet, then when it explodes, the flush buttons flies into my eye socket and my brain starts oozing from around it, but i dont from that...oh no, i fall over because the part of my brain which controls movement gets mashed. so as im on the bathroom floor, the brain ooze slowly fills my lungs and i drown on my own brain goo. hopefully the pain receptors in my body are ruined from the explosion or this may hurt a bit... THAT is something to be remembered by. but if i was like 80, everyone would be all like "oh dont laugh-the poor old dear was going senile" so it'd be a waste of gruesome fun, so i may as well die in my sleep calmly...preferably after defrauding some major company, buying a jet and flying to a country that won't extradite me back to aus. but that being said, should people NOT get a kick outta someone elses death?! i mean come on! laughing won't make em any dead-er! andif its funny...? well funny is what makes the world worth living in!
. i have never and will never do drugs, although i did find some in a tree of all places...maybe ill write about that here one day... i've smoked a few times, but i'm ssoo over it, and i was never hooked. drinking is not something i intend to give up though:D

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

all the people i'd like to meet are dead. its sucks majorly...wish there was i time machine so i could talk to nietzsche. or marx. orrrr so i could poke at einstein's SEXY (wink, wink) hair. how fun that'd be. all these guys are majorly there a link between too much body hair and my respect for you?? no. but it would rate a mention if there was.

My Blog

fick dich...

i feel hyper. manic. i wanna jump and scream and smash and sing and scream some more.for the first time ever i cried over the sheer beauty of a song. "imagine". the first time i heard it i was in a pu...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 06:54:00 GMT

pretty crafty, actually...

when you look at how the bush administration etc. tries to demonise muslims/arabs/whoever else they feel like scapegoating, its actually more of a clever plan than it seems. on the surface it seems ju...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:08:00 GMT

im special. "special-school special", that is

have you ever hit your head on a wall at 4am while you slept? have you then woken up with a great new idea for a new email address? was the email address [email protected]? did you rush on...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 21:00:00 GMT


i heard something funny today on a comedy show: "police raided an S&M nightclub. 400 people were unhandcuffed and forced to put on clothes"well it was funny at the time
Posted by on Wed, 27 Jul 2005 20:06:00 GMT