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of the Phoenix Rising Authors.
Some of our book covers:
No man is an island.
We all affect those around us - even indirectly - with everything we do. For writers, this is especially true.
As writers, we continually strive to learn our craft only to suffer rejections, enduring our own feelings of defeat, and have persevered. We have risen from the ashes of our dreams; much like the symbol we have chosen - the mythical phoenix, who is reborn from its own ashes.
Given new life with each acceptance, we chose to continue to touch lives in our own unique ways. Every time we finish a story and send it away, facing the chance of rejection, we allow our dreams the opportunity to be reborn.
Phoenix Rising Authors are
Derek Musgrave
Jude Mason
Michelle Houston
Jamie Hill
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The first anthology by Phoenix Rising Authors and friends. Be sure to check out the items available at Phaze's Cafe Press!
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