The abolition of wimps has begun since the primordial mass, to shatter the worthless wretched for they may blight the core of the earth.
Black Metal swelled in an age that was radically deceitful, to vouch the verity, to elucidate the truth, to blend between intensity and insight.
It grown from many parts of the earth and eventually it ascended from an anonymous land, a place that stuffed by ignorance, that even if any one there knows what Black Metal is (or at least wrongly know), what would be expected from a country that is surrounded by foolery and nonsense, lacked of knowledge and culture, filled with posers & narrow vile minds. Yet Black Metal rose upon the contemptibly and despicably to create something with true sensation and meaning to bring fourth the wisdom and what lays beyond this world.
And that what Mephisophilus is.
March of Black EP
In Every Sky Rises a Demon (Split with CARNYX)