amilwhat profile picture


About Me

MySpace will be the downfall of society. Sorry I'm late, the peer pressure and brainwashing didn't take the first few times. I will refer to MySpace henceforth as MyCrack, not to be confused with EverCrack or World of WarCrack. Cocain is a hell of uh drug, Charlie Murphy!Six degrees of who? If you can't hit anyone in six degrees who has a mycrack, you suck....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

in no particular order, to be added to as time passes, Isaac Newton, Isaac Asimov, Jesus, Bach, Motzart, Albert Einstein, Piers Anthony

My Blog

I don't do blogs

Ok so I AM going to do a blog, however brief and inconsequential, if you are one of those people that doesn't care for contradiction from title to body and possible general confusion then stop now and...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 17:57:00 GMT

then there was that time...

I don't typically do blogs but something struck me as odd... Why? In the end doesn't it near a Charlie Brown episode? "Wah wah waaah waaaaah wah waha, wah whaha ahaah?!?" There are so many other thing...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 17:31:00 GMT