Pink Revolution calling all angels to help manifest $$$ to get us on the road to Washington DC immediately. [email protected] no amount is too large
A revolution of humanity, of consciousness, and especially LOVE!An effort to learn and practice sustainability. An intention to answer the call to be good stewards of this amazing planet we live on and care for its inhabitants with kindness and thoughtfulness based by positve actions and bringing solutions and making friends of our neighbors and creating community that cares.RRReving up the evolution, a movement of the heart and soul in cooperation with a conscious mind to be the change and the difference we are all waiting and calling for. A personal revolution from the inside out.
Pink, because we are all pink on the inside… The only differences between us; a little flavor and style.Pink=LoveA series of coordinated and independent actions from global participants covering the whole spectrum of society and all socio-economic levels.
An awakening, a renaissance.
Our mission: to replace the love of power with the power of love
Suzi Chang and The Pink Revolution