duo FriBerg profile picture

duo FriBerg

About Me

duo FriBerg was set up in 2003 during the final week of the Småland soloist event. The two musicians in the band want to find out what the possibilities are for an ensemble made up of just two instruments, percussion and saxophone. They discovered that there were no limits. The combination of marimba and saxophone has turned out to be quite outstanding.

duo FriBerg consists of Joakim Berg, marimba/ percussion and Per Friman, saxophones.

The ensemble would like to elaborate the music for marimba, percussion and saxophone mostly because the young musicians find a pleasure in playing but they also hope it will become a part of their professional careers. The combination of marimba and saxophone has turned out to be quite outstanding. Both instruments have great potential in regards to pitch and nuance and they complement each other quite agreeably.

duo FriBerg has given a lot of concerts during the last few years. The response from the summer tours presented in churches throughout southern Sweden in 2005 and 2006 was unambiguously positive. The same applies to the concert held at Christina Nilsson room, in Växjö Concert Hall, 2005, which was broadcasted live by Swedish Radio P2. Comments like exciting, entertaining, balanced inventive were heard.

duo FriBerg was recently invited to participate in a competition for newcomers, Young and Promising 2007, which will take place in Västerås 4-6 May 2007. The concert is organised by The Swedish Chamber Association. This means that duo FriBerg among other things will give a concert and be introduced to all Swedish chamber societies. Earlier participants in Young and Promising are e.g. Malena Ernman, mezzosoprano and Martin Fröst, clarinettist.

duo FriBerg wants to give the listener, a musically and visually entertainment of colourful fireworks you probably never experienced before. Do not hesitate to visit one of duo FriBerg`s concerts or contact us if you would like to book duo FriBerg.

My Interests


Member Since: 28/05/2007
Band Website: www.duofriberg.nu
Band Members: Joakim Berg - Percussion Per Friman - Saxophone
Record Label: Unsigned