Add to My Profile | More Videos The National Guard and Disaster Preparedness Since 1636, the Guard has served America as both a wartime force and the first military responders in times of domestic crisis. Hundreds of times each year, the nation's Governors call upon their National Guard to respond to fires, floods, hurricanes, and a host of other natural disasters. Preparing for, and responding to, whatever Mother Nature throws our way – from Hurricane Katrina to Avian Flu – is how we live up to our motto: The National Guard: Always Ready, Always Therebr
History and Constitutional Basis The Army National Guard predates the founding of the nation and a standing national military by almost 150 years. America’s first permanent militia regiments, among the oldest still-serving units in the world, were organized by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636. Since that time, the Guard has participated in every major conflict from the Pequot War of 1637 to Operation Iraqi Freedom today. Following its key role in securing our liberty during the Revolutionary War, the role of the militia (today’s National Guard) as a fundamental component of our national defense was validated in the Constitution by the founders. The language reads, in part: “The Congress shall have Power To … provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.†In addition to this constitutional charter, a variety of statutes have been enacted over the years to better define the Guard’s role in our nation’s affairs. Detailed federal guidelines, both statutory and regulatory, govern the organization, funding, and operation of the National Guard. While federal regulations dictate much of the Guard’s organization and function, control of Guard personnel and units is divided between the states and the Federal Government. For example, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) specifies the number of authorized National Guard personnel (the end strength). However, the states reserve the authority to station units and their headquarters, and federal officials may not change any branch, organization, or allotment located entirely within a state without the approval of the governor. Where the colonial period saw militia activities largely confined within the nation’s borders, later 19th century conflicts found the Guard contributing to the nation’s defense both at home and abroad. The first half of the 20th century witnessed the foundation of the modern Army National Guard, as Guard soldiers contributed greatly to the U.S. victory in both World Wars. The Guard remained the primary combat reserve of the Army in the years following the Second World War with participation in Korea, Vietnam, and in several other Cold War era mobilizations. In the 1980s, the Guard began regularly deploying overseas for training in Germany and Central America. In the 1990s, following a major mobilization for the Gulf War, Guard overseas deployments were no longer restricted to training, but were expanded to include operational deployments for peacekeeping and deterrence in Bosnia, Kosovo, the Sinai, and along Iraq’s northern and southern borders. Finally, the Guard’s role has expanded dramatically since 2001 both at home and abroad. At no time was the Guard’s flexibility and utility more apparent than during hurricane recovery operations in September 2005. With over 70,000 members of the ARNG on federal active duty (primarily serving in Iraq and Afghanistan), over 42,000 Soldiers were mobilized to deploy to the Gulf Coast or support the Joint Operating Area (JOA) in response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma.
Today and Tomorrow
The Army National Guard of today and tomorrow fulfills a vital national defense role. Strategic planning integrates Guard units into crucial combat, combat support, and combat service support elements of our nation’s military forces. These elements provide a trained, capable, and cost-effective military force, able to provide rapid augmentation, reinforcement, and expansion in time of call-up or mobilization. The National Guard has emerged as a well-armed fighting force and an important component in the nation’s emergency preparedness network, the only DoD organization with this dual responsibility. Federal Mission The Army National Guard’s federal mission is to maintain well-trained, well-equipped units available for prompt mobilization during war and provide assistance during national emergencies (such as natural disasters or civil disturbances). The ARNG’s units (or any Reserve component forces) may be activated in a number of ways as prescribed by public law. Most of the laws for Federal Mission operations are in Title 10 of the U.S. Code. When serving under Title 10, “active duty†means full-time duty in the active military service of the United States. Title 10 allows the President to “federalize†National Guard forces by ordering them to active duty in their reserve component status or by calling them into Federal service in their militia status. This includes the following forms of active service: o Voluntary Order to Active Duty. With his or her consent and the consent of the Governor. o Partial Mobilization. In time of national emergency declared by the President for any unit or any member for not more than 24 consecutive months. o Presidential Reserve Call Up. When the President determines that it is necessary to augment the active forces for any operational mission for any unit or any member for not more than 270 days. o Federal Aid for State Governments. Whenever an insurrection occurs in any State against its government, the President may, upon the request of its legislature or of its governor call into Federal service such of the militia of the other States. This is a statutory exception to the Posse Comitatus Act. o Use of Militia and Armed Forces to Enforce Federal Authority. Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, assemblages, or rebellion make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State or Territory, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State. This is another statutory exception to Posse Comitatus. o Interference with State and Federal law. The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy. o Air and Army National Guard. Air and Army National Guard can specifically be called into Federal service in case of invasion, rebellion, or inability to execute Federal law with active forces. The National Guard Bureau (NGB), both a staff and operating agency, administers the federal functions of the Army National Guard (ARNG) and the Air National Guard
(ANG). As a staff agency, the NGB participates with the Army and Air staffs in developing and coordinating programs that directly affect the National Guard. As an operating agency, the NGB formulates and administers the programs for training, development, and maintenance of the ARNG and ANG and acts as the channel of communication between the Army, Air Force, and the 50 states, three territories, and the District of Columbia where National Guard units are located. State Mission When Army National Guard units are not under federal control, the governor is the commander-in-chief of his or her respective state, territory (Guam, Virgin Islands), or commonwealth (Puerto Rico). The President of the United States commands the District of Columbia National Guard, though this command is routinely delegated to the Commanding General of the DC National Guard. Each of the 54 National Guard organizations is supervised by the Adjutant General of the state or territory who also serves as the Director or Commanding General of the state military forces (in DC, only the Commanding General title is used). When serving under Title 32 Active Duty, Title 32 service is primarily state active duty. This includes the following forms of active service: o State Active Duty (SAD). The Governor can activate National Guard personnel to “State Active Duty†in response to natural or man-made disasters or Homeland Defense missions. State Active Duty is based on State statute and policy as well as State funds, and the Soldiers and Airmen remain under the command and control of the Governor. A key aspect of this duty status is that the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) does not apply. o Title 32 Full-Time National Guard Duty. “Full-time National Guard duty†means training or other duty, other than inactive duty, performed by a member of the National Guard. Title 32 allows the Governor, with the approval of the President or the Secretary of Defense, to order a member to duty for operational HLD activities IAW the United States Code (USC): The key to state active service is that Federal Law provides the Governor with the ability to place a soldier in a full-time duty status under the command and control of the State but directly funded with Federal dollars. Even though this duty status is authorized by Federal statute, this section is a statutory exception to the Posse Comitatus Act; the Governor may use the Guard in a law enforcement capacity; and the chain of command rests within the State. In the categories listed above, as well as on active duty for training (ADT) or inactive duty for training (IDT) orders, ARNG units or individuals may be mobilized for non-combat purposes such as the State Partnership Program, humanitarian missions, counterdrug operations, and peacekeeping or peace enforcement missions. Under state law, the ARNG provides protection of life and property, and preserves peace, order, and public safety. These missions are accomplished through emergency relief support during natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and forest fires; search and rescue operations; support to civil authorities; maintenance of vital public services; and counterdrug operations. The ARNG also adds value to local communities through engineering projects provided under the Innovative Readiness Training program, and mentors at-risk youth through our Youth ChalleNGe program.
Fighting the Global War on Terrorism has underscored the vital role of Full-Time Support personnel in preparing Army National Guard units for a multitude of missions both at home and abroad. Full-Time Support is a critical component for achieving Soldier and unit-level readiness. Full-time Guard members are responsible for organizing, administering, instructing, training, and recruiting new personnel, as well as maintaining supplies, equipment, and aircraft. Full-Time Support personnel are key to successful transitions from peacetime to wartime, and are critical links to the integration of the Army’s components: Active, Guard, and Reserve. While some progress has been made in recent years to increase Full-Time Support manning levels in ARNG units, obstacles remain in obtaining acceptable Full-Time Support levels necessary to achieve unit readiness. During FY05, the ARNG was resourced at just 63% of its Full-Time Support requirements (53,278 authorized of 84,452 required), the lowest resourcing level of any DOD reserve component. It is critical that Full-Time Support be increased in the near-term to a minimum of 90% of the total requirement (76,108) to improve unit readiness and support the dual missions of Global War on Terrorism and Homeland Security .
Why Join
Part-Time Commitment, Full-Time Benefits Thinking about serving in the National Guard while you're in college? Intelligent move. Financially, it'll put you ahead of the game in every way.If you haven't enrolled in school yet, take advantage of our free SAT and GRE testing. As for college fees, we'll cover up to 100% of your tuition, and pay off existing student loans up to $20,000.Aside from tuition, you'll have expenses while in school. Everyone needs living money—and fun money. The Montgomery G.I. Bill provides a stipend of up to $309 per month, and there are several other financial assistance programs available to supplement that.The bottom line in available funds for your college education: $60,000.Earning Potential in Civilian Life On your first job hunt after graduation, the financial rewards continue. Instead of starting in a low-wage, entry-level position like most new grads, you'll be interviewing for lucrative career-level positions. Why? Because the training you do with us is real-world experience on your resume. Employers know and respect that.Security in Your Golden Years Retirement is light years away, right? Hard to think about it now. Well as a Guard member, you don't need to. You can qualify for retirement pay from the National Guard in addition to savings and retirement benefits from your civilian career. How's that for peace of mind?Money. Real-world experience. Respect and peace of mind. Start your career in the Army National Guard today.Contact your local recruiter to learn more.Links
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