idioteque profile picture


About Me

The Idioteque features music, art, film and fashion, alienated from their usual surroundings, brought together in a place released from its original function and opened to excess. In here the visitor himself decides what makes sense. The Idioteque doesn't care for purpose or use, it creates space for observation and action, space to fill or space to feel.

What takes place in the Idioteque? No one can say for sure. What happens when differing artists go wild together only the participant can tell.

Idiology instead of ideology. The Idioteque offers - you decide what you take from it.

Idioteque 02

July 5th 2008

ZKMax (Strassenunterführung Maximilianstr./Altstadtring)


Malente DJ

The Dance Inc. live

Dompteur Mooner DJ

Loomit art performance

rag*treasure fashion

Zielgruppe visuals

presented by: M94.5 Rote Raupe muenchenblogger ARTDOXA

My Blog

Idioteque 02: July 5th 2008

5. Juli 2008ZKMaxMünchenMalente DJThe Dance Inc. liveDompteur Mooner DJLoomit art performancerag*treasure fashionZielgruppe visualsEinlass: 22:00 UhrKonzert: 22:45 Uhr
Posted by on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:45:00 GMT