Well now where do i start....... im not your average kind of person, i have a very strange and weird outlook on life and things.. ive been called crazy.. hence the name, odd and strange.
My sense of humour is not the usual type... it can be quite sick at times... but I tend to find most things others wouldnt find funny... hilarious.
I have a habit of looking into the deeper side of things and if their is a hidden message i usually get it... if my imagination hasnt run away with it yet.My imagination loves doing that... it comes up with some pretty strange things sometime... *giggle giggle*
Friends say im the energiser bunny as Im extremely hyper, I talk fast and too much....and i can never stay in one place for too long, but hey if you dont like it..... too bad!!
anything that stimulates my mind and thoughts i love...
I often live in a fantasy world too... everything as a bright outlook there, well i see it that way.
Im a social flutterby and I love meeting new people and just having fun... What you see with me... is me.. no hidden agendas etc. Im a free spirit and I hate to be tied down..Im always drawn to the dark and mysterious, starnger the thing the better. Well thats about it i guess... anything else just ask.... I promise i dont bite.. only if you ask nice...he he
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Always in the dark ! 3