Ellen Molnia grew up in the north of Sweden in a musician-family. She has been playing several instruments and singing since childhood. She went to India when she was 19, and has spent many years there alltogether, deepdiving into the spirituality, the bhakti(devotional)-world, the cultuere and the music. She sings her own style of bhajans (devotional mantramusic), which has come to her through grace, through the cosmic airways, but also sings traditional chants.
Ellen has this far recorded 3 bhajan-albums, 1 playful hippie-indian-reggae cd with the band "Super deluxe", and 1 (very soon coming out) electro-fusion-mantra cd with the band "Goloka". She plays bhajans in festivals and also holds bhajanevenings here and there and everywhere....Hope you enjoy da music!
Love is all-Hari Bol!!!