Increasing my alcohol tolerance level. I know quite a few people as well who are inerested in this hobby...
A person who still thinks that compassion exists in this world and that human nature will take it's course and heal the world... despite all the bullsh..t we all get from it.
Music can be sweet or sour. It's like the flavour of the month. There are days that classical Bach could move me or make me puke and there are days that you would see me grindin to the beat of 50 cent or coverin my ears because of it.
Any movie that doesn't suck the last remnants of my intelligence (goodness how I miss doing my algebra, it's like a long forgotten memory (thanks to stupid movies that have bad actors and a bad script, I think this is the reason ERAP won as president)...)
CSI...gotta love it. And of course the National Geographic channel. And I can't part from the wisdom I get from watching the cartoon network...=)
Books by Robert Jordan, Robert Ludlum, Tolkien, Terry Goodkind, Terry Brooks, and my favorite author, Isaac Asimov
Teachers everywhere. They are the inspiration of the youth and the tools that could make or break a man. And as the saying goes, "It is easier to build a child than to repair a man". It is with teachers that our future would rest upon for it is in their hands that we entrust how our children are built.