so over it, fallon. profile picture

so over it, fallon.

christ on krutches

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator I'm a walking train wreck. Don't take me to seriously, I have a weird sense of humor. I am told I look like Maggie Gyllenhaal about 5 times a day. I'm very domestic, I'm always labeled "the mom". I hate people who use double negatives or bad grammar in general. I have a hand-full of people I call friends. I'm petrified of birds. I'm shy not bitchy. I like to have a good time and am somewhat of a lush. I bruise easily. I am extremely clumsy. I work full time and pay my own bills...yeah I'm productive. I say "shit ton" and "I feel like" way to much. Overall I'm a pretty classy broad.

My Interests

friendship based on mutual interests is doomed.

I'd like to meet:

..and people that can handle me.


some stuff you listen to and some you don't.


candy, green street holligans, the rules of attraction, anchor man, the secretary, stella, and the sound of music.


i don't watch it much. the history channel is sweet though.


if i had only... forgotten future greatness and looked at the green things and the buildings and reached out to those around me and smelled the air and ignored the forms and the self-styled obligations and heard the rain on the roof and put my arms around my loved ones ...and it's not to latehe may die before morning. but i have been with him for four years. there's no way i could be cheated if i didn't have him fr another day. i didn't deserve her for one minute. god knows.and i may die before morning.what i must do is die now. i must accept the justice of death and the injustice of more "life." i have had a good life-longer than many, better than most. i couldn't justify another day. i did not create myself, it is a gift. i am me, that is the miracle. i had no right to remain a single hour. some remain a single minute. and yet i have had nineteen years.few consciously choose when they will die. i choose to accept death now. as of this moment i give up my "right" to live. and i give up my "right" to his life.but it's morning. within my hands is another day. another day to listen and love and walk in glory. i am here for another day.i think of those who aren't.what does it mean to be here? what does it mean to have friends? what does it mean to get dressed, to have a meal, to work? what does it mean to come home? what is the difference between the living and the dead?i sometimes wonder if the "dead" are not more present, more comfort, more here than most of the i want to do things to be doing them, not to be doing something else. i don't want to drive to get there, make love to have climaxes, or study to "keep abreast."i don't want to do things to sell myself on myself. i don't want to do nice things for people so that i will be "nice." i don't want to work to make money, i want to work to i don't want to live for, i want to live.


There's death in handshakes and hello hugs.

My Blog

over it!

so I have dissappeared for awhile... I've been sick. also sprint sucks super bad, they didn't processes my payment and  now I can't get texts or make calls i can only take them so if you need me ...
Posted by so over it, fallon. on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 01:43:00 PST

fuck vampires and ghosts. so over it.

so I've decided that I have the most insane life EVER! the last few weeks have been as follows: 1. drinking to much in columbus 2. shopping drunk/while drinking and spending way to much at americ...
Posted by so over it, fallon. on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 11:24:00 PST

+ a jesus fish won't save you from a car crash +

People are so fucked up... Friends don't exsist.  It's sad it's taken me 21 years and countless stabs in the back to realize the hypocracy.  FUCK IT.... I'm done trying to be sincere and hav...
Posted by so over it, fallon. on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 10:35:00 PST

I can talk to a man better when he has his sunglasses off

everything i do i do for a reason.... it's all going to come to an end sooner or later....I'm already prepared for it...I just don't think anyone else is.       -this is not about suici...
Posted by so over it, fallon. on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 12:44:00 PST


I've spent the last 24 hours sleeping... I dont think that's healthy.  
Posted by so over it, fallon. on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 10:58:00 PST


I'm torn between so many emotions right now...I'm not sure what to do...I have the love of my life...but we fucked it up, and i dont know how to forgive.... and i have this unexplainable connection th...
Posted by so over it, fallon. on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:50:00 PST

wipe your face you just swallowed my soul

life is strange....i pray that you're real.
Posted by so over it, fallon. on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 10:26:00 PST

releasing more of me

while i am worring about what you think of me i am not open to you, i am not letting you in; in fact, i am not letting you exsist asa person-- i am making you my mirror. while i am concerned with what...
Posted by so over it, fallon. on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 05:24:00 PST


I'M GROWING AS A PERSON...THAT HAS TO BE A GOOD THING. if i had only... forgotten future greatness and looked at the green things and the buildings and reached out to those around me and smel...
Posted by so over it, fallon. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

You might sleep but you'll never dream

Fallon D. Snyder Fallon D. Snyder, age 19, of Massillon, OH, passed away at home from a life long illness, on February 27, 2005. Paramedics say she put up no fight and just gave in. Her family memb...
Posted by so over it, fallon. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST