I was a second-generation watchmaker from Queens, New York. I use to have a very uneventful life restoring time pieces for my family's business. I always hoped that I was in some way "special" but unfortunately, I had to follow my father into watchmaking. At first the long tedious hours of carefully working on time pieces began to take it's toll but eventually I started to notice that when a customer would come in with a broken watch or clock I could tell just by looking at it what exactally was wrong. At first I thought this was due to many hours of fixing watches but I slowly started to realize that I could simply look at anything that was damaged and know precisely how to fix it. I didn't really think much of this unusual talent until a man came to visit me, his name was Chandra Suresh. Chandra was intrigued when I used my talent to repair his watch and by his expression I knew he wasn't there to get his watch fixed. Chandra told me I might have a special ability, which would explain my talent, he called my ability intuitive aptitude or the ability of knowing how things work by looking at them. This ability to see and manipulate patterns within complex systems explains my expertise in restoring time pieces. I am able to discern any problems almost instantly. When Chandra wanted to take some tests to see if his theories were correct I was more then glad to help. Unfotunatly when his test results came back he said I had no abnormal properties whatsoever about me and that he was wrong, he simply gave up on me and I could not accept that, he was a fool for doubting my potential. I then stole Chandras notes and found out there may be others like me. I found the adress of Brian Davis and wanted to see his power. Brian showed me his amazing telekentic power but told me he was afraid of it and wanted to get rid of it, I knew he was broken, I knew how he worked, he didn't deserve his power so i fixed him, removing his brain and extracting his power. At that moment I felt an uncontrollable hunger for more power and to take it from insignificant people who don't deserve it, I always knew I was SPECIAL.
Intuitive Aptitude:
The ability to analyze complex systems and intuitively understand how they work without special education or training.
The ability to move objects with the mind.
The ability to remove heat from matter, reducing its temperature and possibly causing it to freeze.
Eidetic Memory:
The ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with great accuracy, and in seemingly unlimited volume. It also seems to include the ability to gain a complete understanding of the subject matter.
The ability to transform solid matter into a liquid state without adding heat.
Enhanced Hearing:
The ability to hear any sound at any volume or pitch, even over vast distances.
The ability to accurately foresee future events.
Induced Radioactivity:the ability to emit radiation and/or induce radioactive properties into objects and people.