A Whole New Episode can be yours for 10 bucks!!! @
MISSION is a concept that has been kicking around for a couple of years. It traces its roots back to the days when Mario and Dan were living in London, England. Both were foreign to the country and had similar backgrounds. They wrote a bunch of songs between the ages of 15 and 18, but with no drummer, they wouldnt get a chance to record them until the summer of 2005 at the age of 19. Recording in Mario's home country, the Dominican Republic, he and Dan, teamed up with what is arguably the best drummer to come out of the dominican punk scene. That of course being Roni El Palero Himself, who was excited about recording the old bedroom jingles. A month later the band moved to Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Earth, to begin doing things that whould hopefully lead to living off the band. Although Dan was born in the states, moving to Boston was his first time living in America in more than 6 years and was ultimately the 24th move for the tri-citizen. MISSION is young but progressing quickly. They played a few shows with Choking Victim in summer 06, and then pushed on to do a month long tour of Brazil with The U.S. Bombs, on the VANS Zonapunk Tour. The band has really progressed quite a bit since the days when their first album, A Whole New Episode, was written. Now at 20, the band are really begining to grow musically.. Their 2nd, as yet unannouced, album, will surely send a shockwave of surprise through the music world, and begin to be noticed by those in the upper echelons of the telemarleting business, who upon hearing the [SECTION REMOVED DUE TO NOTHING. OUR APOLOGIES . -THE STAFF]