JamJam reggae festival @Salento -August 2010- profile picture

JamJam reggae festival @Salento -August 2010-

About Me

Hi EverybodyWelcome to Salento music movement Jam Jam reggae Festival Everything began in the summer of June 2008, we thought in the past times, festivals were times when the elderly shared stories and transferred certain knowledge to the next generation. Also festivals were historic feasts that often provided a means for unity among families also for people to find mates and new friends. Why we created this festival, to make a bound to Jamaican musical culture and other music types, as meaning to share the knowledge that we have from music and to transfer this culture to this generation and the next generation. Willing to make the public one with music, we invite people united in opinion and action, from different musical culture to meet and enjoy together a real music experience. The meaning of our festival is to send great sounds emotion, why You will find an environment that provides people a pleasing feeling in a good ambience, by offering any aspect and quality, that international music represents. The artists we choose provide entertainment and a sense of belonging to the art of sound… So if you want to feel and perceive with joy, if you want to take pleasure or satisfaction in the possession of an experience, come and join us this summer in salento, and lets write this future story together!!!Bless up
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Member Since: 27/05/2007
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: .. Jam Jam Fest's Profile | Create Your Badge
Record Label: PHAT HOUSE music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

FOR INFO & CONTACT : [email protected]

for every information and contact please send an email to  : [email protected]    
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 07:00:00 GMT