WELL ................
Finally done with all that portionof my life... moving right along. I am not shy I like to say what I think I am very high maintenence. If you knew my story I have yet to find a guy that will put up with me for more tha 4 years. But I never say never, after loosing everything I thought I had a few months ago I made a decision that life is way too short to be messin around. So I quit my dream job, lit a fire under my ass and now things are moving right along. I have a new job and I love where I work I have never liked a job soooo much that I stayed late on Friday to get the job done. I am Jet Parkers' personal assistant(SHE IS THE CEO TO THE COMPANY I CURRENTLY WORK FOR)I just turned 24 I am in the process of buying my own house.(LIKE I SAID BEFORE IF YOU KNEW ME AN MY STORY YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND) Boys and Me have a LOVE/HATE I love them and they love to hate on me. I want to be single but I like the stability of the same piece of ASS. The world has made me bitter ir it weren't for the big GOD upstairs I would probably be cracked out some where with someone in at some afterparty. I asked for an angel and someone finally sent him to me little did I know our chance meeting was part of a much BIGGER plan to help me realize the meaning. I LOVE that angel and everything he helped me see. I only wish he was still here with me. But its nice being able to be a promiscious girl, when you are perfect like me you have to have something to ask forbiveness for. Hehehehehehe I should do stand up. So the only reason I wrote this long drawn out "about me" is because you will be tested jk actually I am bored and cant fall asleep. So if you like the crazies thats me hit me up I think I am a lot of funI edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!