The DuncanGuy Band profile picture

The DuncanGuy Band

Want more songs? Look us up on iTunes!

About Me

Based out of the Guelph ON area, The Duncan Guy Band is a hilarious country/blues band that knows no line between polite and politically incorrect. Their first record, The Menstral Album, was dedicated to that woman problem that most men don't even like to acknowledge exists...but these guys have no shame; with song titles like Aunt Flo, Menstratin' Blues, Spot, and Honey Don't Make Me Buy Those Things. The Sophmore album Lesbian Karaoke Night, covered all the trailer park drama with Family Ties(Tennessee Waltz), Great Big Hole, Drunk Go Drivin', Almost Drank Your Drink, and more.This band is best enjoyed with a few cold ones and some good friends...not your mother.If you're interested in purchasing The Menstral Album or Lesbian Karaoke Night visit (free tampons are currently out of stock) . Songs can also be purchased on iTunes.If you want to book the band for your next function e-mail [email protected], if you are a member of facebook, please feel free to join The Duncan Guy Band group which is readily updated with interesting pics and news.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/27/2007
Band Website: /
Band Members: Duncan McLeod- Piano, Guitar, Vocals; Guy "Where Did He Go?" Waite- Guitar, Vocals; Bruce Wilson- Guitar, Vocals; Kathryn Church- Vocals; Dave Balan - Drums, Vocals; Kathleen McLeod - Bass
Sounds Like: Although they tried to become a stage opener for the most recent Weird Al tour, this band is in a category all of their own. Most recently a raging fan (ok it was the studio pros) coined it Funtry. There is plenty of variety with four different lead vocalists throughout the album.
Record Label: Bloody Shame Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Guelph show

We may surface in Guelph for a show in December.  After the last Kewler party we are not sure we can fit anymore fans into our typical practice space.  Best quote of the night "She is 8 mont...
Posted by The DuncanGuy Band on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 08:05:00 PST

Can’t Get Enough?

Is this MySpace page just a teaser to you? Do you need more Duncan Guy Band in your life? Want to take Get Drunk Go Drivin' with you everywhere you go?Look the band up on iTunes and Napster, for all L...
Posted by The DuncanGuy Band on Mon, 26 May 2008 08:45:00 PST

Robbie Burns

We all survived Rabbie Burns!  right??  A few more days and you'll feel back to normal. What a way to kick off the 2008 World Tour with a Scottish poem, burning haggis and lot...
Posted by The DuncanGuy Band on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 07:00:00 PST


Check out for your free samples.  It will be enough to get your hooked on wanting the album.  Pass it on!...
Posted by The DuncanGuy Band on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:34:00 PST