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I have 7 children ages from 25 to 47. the first 6 are girls and the 7th is a boy. I have 16 grandchildren. I am Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Scotish and German. I love the sound of the rain it is very relaxing to me. I have spoken with the Creator since I was a child and he has spoken to me. I am trying to learn as much as I can about how my ancestors lived because I know that this way of life is coming back soon. Mankind has almost destroyed Mother Earth. We can hear her crying in pain. We are in the 7th generation that was foretold long ago. What we need is love and respect and unity for all creation. I am an initiate of the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca. I don't like to read fiction books or novels, I feel that they are a waste of time. My interests are of the spiritual nature. I do not like people that are not truthful or people that take what is not theirs take.
* Teachings of Our Ancestors
Believe in the beauty and strength our your own being. Forget the foolish belief that you and your fellow human beings were born evil. Those who would control you all the days of your life on earth perpetuate the belief iihtsipaitapiiyo?pa (Source of Life) made things to have a bad spirit. Live a life of truth and honesty. This makes you a person of quality and dignity. Truth and honesty are the kind of leadership qualities that attracts others.
Give honor and respect to others regardless of age and situation in life. This quality makes you and others worthy of honor and respect, which makes others, feel worthwhile and fulfilled. Honor and respect empowers others so they can win the day. They will return it to you fourfold.
Honor the earth and all that exists. Be strong in this belief and practice it throughout your life because it makes for a world of kindness that binds all the good things of life together in a circle of harmony.
Be humble but not timid. To be humble is to connect yourself to the stars and the entire universe and makes you aware there is something unique about life that is to be enjoyed without fear. We are people from the stars and because of it we are sacred.
Help others realize that life is a dream . . . . A beautiful dream. Dreamers are the butterflies of life and help others to realize their dreams.
Be humorous and help others to enjoy life and the life of others. Humor makes you attractive. The humorous person has many guests and the one who is invited everywhere because of the joy they bring to the gathering.
Never be afraid to talk matters over with those you disagree with or those you love. The gift of language is a miracle and it is meant to be used to live a life of harmony, joy, love, and respect. Use it well and use it often.
What is described here is leadership and happiness in the broadest sense. These are the qualities that make for a great father, grandmother, mother, teacher, grandfather, lover, traditional leader, friend and a great human being. Best of all you can add to this list
I give these to you in honor and respect:
Long Standing Bear Chief, Blackfoot
** "When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear, when that happens, The Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them." ~Chief Seattle~
* Rainbow Warriors