Rod Mckuen is a grate man.
this is a simple deticashion page im makeing because i love his work. With that said i will say what i know.I first discovered the San sibastion strings ( best of ) one day when i found a lot of recoreds dumped in the trash at the swap meet. Not only did i find meny albums i still charish today i found that one. I fell in love with Anita Kerrs music and voice right away and the voice and words of Muckuen . Like a painted picture it worms my mind.
Always nice on a rainy day or when your stresses or upset.
One by one i began to find san sibasion string albums and rod mcuken and anita kerr solo albums. all the original vinels at the swap meet for onle a doller or in the trash.
Unbeleaveibal but lucky for me.
I have so meny and still not all.
I love the collecion of the sea and the earth.
I love for lovers and the anita kerr singers.
All of it is timeless.
Im 23 and amd into a wide veriety of music and they cross that rehelm.Rod mckuen rote meny books of his poems. I havent found any yet. im sure their their i just always bet sitracked with recoreds and photos and dumpster diveing i forget to look threw the books.
But he was also in movies too. Beatsvill is one populer one . I have not seen it but he is and was well know for his poetry.Anita Kerr. I dont know much about her.
I but i know that i love her. I have a few solos of her and the Anita Kerr singers.I love her voice and the way she orestrats music. So pop and upbeat but paints the amoshion projected. Goood stuff.
That would be cool if Rod Mckuen did a tour round these parts. i would defenetly goand have him ign a recored. maby that first one i found.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
i would like to meat who ever life throws at me.its always when the timeing is right. anyother momeny and you would have just missed them.
and loosen up.i shold take some of this advise.
My Blog
poems from the 1969 book by rod mckuen IN SOMEONES SHADOW.
..>..> May 17 I beleave that crowling into you is going back into myself. That by the act of joining hands with you i become more of me. There are no whisky bars for dancers like owerselves, and s... Posted by on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 00:18:00 GMT