Bobat profile picture


No one is worth crying over; and the one who is will never make you.

About Me

On a small scale, my personality ranges from Fuckin' Asshole to A Very Caring Person. But to elaborate more on that...

I consider myself a very patriotic person, that should be somewhat evident by my background.

I am a Soldier in the United States Army. I have been in the Army for over four years and I love it. Joining the Army is one of the smartest moves I have made in my life thus far. It has opened the door to greatness for me. Not in the sense that I consider myself a great person. It has opened the door to greatness by allowing me to meet great people and to assist in doing great deeds around the world.

Quite honestly, I could go on and on in this section not because I am into myself, but because I can 'talk' forever and try to explain myself to you... so on to the next section...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet people from all walks of life and of different ideas and thoughts. While I consider myself a person with very Conservative views on a wide array of subjects, I am still an open minded person. It's just the extremists--on both sides-- that really erk me. But, irregardless, I will accept any friend request at first and delete friends as necessary-- think of it as a friendship with a 'probation' period. So feel free to message me or request a friendship. On another note, I really enjoy hearing how people came across my profile; in conjunction, I also like to know WHY they wanted to be my friend on Myspace. I just find it amazing how people are drawn to each other.


The song you hear playing is Here By Me by 3 Doors Down. The song has been playing on my page since September 5, 2005. I wanted it to be my 'theme song' while I was deployed. I'm a sucker for love songs/ballad's so this song really moved me. The unfortunate thing... I had no one to dedicate it to.

I am a love of all genre's of music. Now, many people will tell you, "I love all kinds of music" when asked what type of music they like. I am guilty of giving this exact answer. But what I am really trying to say is that I listen to what catches my ear. To give you a visual of the spectrum of music I listen to, as I type this, a Concerto by Mozart just finished playing, followed by a song by Eve. Next up on the playlist is a song by 98 Degrees followed by Simple Plan. I hope that clarifies things.

I LOVE MUSIC! I turn to music in my times of need, happiness, sadness, loneliness... I rely on music to get me through life. I can listen to the same song over and over without getting tired of it. If I am not listening to it, I am singing it. I love to sing. I am not the greatest, but I can carry a tune (at the right pitch, usually). An event that usually makes me smile when I think about it is when I sang in front of a audience of about 150-200 people.



My Blog

People Still Remember!!!

As everyone in the United States of America (and most of the world abroad) are aware, it is Christmas Time yet again.  But there are a few places in the world right now where there are ...
Posted by Bobat on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 05:48:00 PST

Random Weird Things About Me...

1.  I hate when my pee splashes or makes sounds in the toilet or urinal.  I aim where I can make the least amount of noise.2.  When I was in marching band (only for my freshman year, th...
Posted by Bobat on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 01:42:00 PST

I'm Not Chubby...

It's protective karate fat!!!  HAHAHAHAHA!!!So I've changed my focus on life right now and I think that with recent political events I am going to finish my time in the Army and get out.  I'...
Posted by Bobat on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 01:32:00 PST

Holy Shit!!! HAHAHA!!!

I was just reading the most recent blog that I posted.  I was drunk when I wrote that, but sober when I read it.  What I wrote in there scared the shit out of me!!!  Then I realized tha...
Posted by Bobat on Fri, 18 May 2007 12:50:00 PST

My Real Age...

Have you ever coughed and sneezed at the same time?  ugh... I just did and it totally sucked.  Anyway, on to the blog...Yesterday, in a fit of boredom/sickness, I saw an ad to find "Your Rea...
Posted by Bobat on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 06:53:00 PST

Santa Can You Hear Me...

I want the same thing she does...I want the same thing he does...I want the same thing she has...I want the same thing HE has...Or is it just that I want SOMEONE TO LOVE ME... SOMEONE TO HOLD???LOL......
Posted by Bobat on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 08:38:00 PST

A Single Phone Call...It Could Help...

Rub the temples.  It was bad earlier, but I've taken some actions to move the thoughts beyond.  Block them.  Pretend they're not there.  Change it to something else.  But I'm ...
Posted by Bobat on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 03:05:00 PST

Changed The Location...

This was originally posted in my friend Josh's Page as a blog comment, but it got so long winded and was actually something that I think everyone should read.  Whether or not those who SHOULD rea...
Posted by Bobat on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 10:12:00 PST

Forty-Two Minutes... Forty-Two!!!

So after the events of this past weekend (which I think I am somewhat recovered from now) I had to put in for leave yesterday.  I had my leave pushed through because all I was asking for was the ...
Posted by Bobat on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 07:48:00 PST

One Fuckin' Thing!!!

Last night the opportunity arose for me to get what I really wanted for Christmas... but I know why I won't get it.  I have no Christmas Tree.  Shit, I haven't even seen the first Mistletoe ...
Posted by Bobat on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 03:42:00 PST