I like to meet people from all walks of life and of different ideas and thoughts. While I consider myself a person with very Conservative views on a wide array of subjects, I am still an open minded person. It's just the extremists--on both sides-- that really erk me. But, irregardless, I will accept any friend request at first and delete friends as necessary-- think of it as a friendship with a 'probation' period. So feel free to message me or request a friendship. On another note, I really enjoy hearing how people came across my profile; in conjunction, I also like to know WHY they wanted to be my friend on Myspace. I just find it amazing how people are drawn to each other.
The song you hear playing is Here By Me by 3 Doors Down. The song has been playing on my page since September 5, 2005. I wanted it to be my 'theme song' while I was deployed. I'm a sucker for love songs/ballad's so this song really moved me. The unfortunate thing... I had no one to dedicate it to.
I am a love of all genre's of music. Now, many people will tell you, "I love all kinds of music" when asked what type of music they like. I am guilty of giving this exact answer. But what I am really trying to say is that I listen to what catches my ear. To give you a visual of the spectrum of music I listen to, as I type this, a Concerto by Mozart just finished playing, followed by a song by Eve. Next up on the playlist is a song by 98 Degrees followed by Simple Plan. I hope that clarifies things.
I LOVE MUSIC! I turn to music in my times of need, happiness, sadness, loneliness... I rely on music to get me through life. I can listen to the same song over and over without getting tired of it. If I am not listening to it, I am singing it. I love to sing. I am not the greatest, but I can carry a tune (at the right pitch, usually). An event that usually makes me smile when I think about it is when I sang in front of a audience of about 150-200 people.